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Photo Flood Fill Plug-In

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Are you asking about the mask option or the plugin in general?


I'll assume you meant the latter.

The color mask option allows you to fill only the areas in your selection/"active canvas" that match the value you enter for the mask color.


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Are you asking about the mask option or the plugin in general?


I'll assume you meant the latter.

The color mask option allows you to fill only the areas in your selection/"active canvas" that match the value you enter for the mask color.

Ah. I actually meant the plug-in in general, do you just get a smaller picture than the canvas then use photo flood to duplicate the picture?

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This may sound stupid, but how do I use it? So I have an era selected using the selection tool. I want to fill this area with an image. What do I do?


I would recommend using BoltBait's Fill From File instead. It does the same thing, but better and works in paint.net v4.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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