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Faking Soft Brushes and the Blur/Dodge/Burn Tool


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I really think it is important to have featherd brushes integrated into Paint.NET - that is one of the things I still use PhotoPlus for.



The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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very impressive especially like the soft brushes just gave that a try out and think it might give me a bit better control when I have to make like wrinkle or laugh lines or more tiny spot highlights on those faces. I'll try some of this within the clothing on the next step of my Indiana Jones inspired work. LOL! amazing stuff you paint.net guys never fail to come up with new tricks for me to learn. :wink:

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very nice wither, congrats on getting it stickied :P

i have one question/observation, and please correct me if im wrong (im usually wrong lol) isnt using the clone stamp for the air brush effect similar to just using the paint brush and setting the alpha down? iono if that makes sense. but heres what i did.


^^i can already see the difference, it was one of those things i couldnt really tell till i put them next to each other, the left side is just the paint brush with a low alpha, the right side is withers method.

nice job wither ill definitely use your method, it allows much more control and just a much crisper and cleaner brush stroke.


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Glad to see it worked out... :D

Just to reiterate what you noticed there.

The following was all done with an opacity of 80.


The top is a quick streak across.

The second one down is a slow 'smooth' streak.

The bottom is the clone stamp method.

What's great about it is that regardless of how quickly you move the brush around, it maintains a consistent softness. :)

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Well, you seem to be well on the way to potentially reinventing the way painter does it's natural media and image hose brushes.

Might want to check for any Patents before you go much further - Initial filing/assignments would probably have been under the name 'Fractal Design' around 1990-1993 in the US. Subsequent assignments may have moved ownership to Metacreations or Corel. Useful keywords could be 'natural media' and 'image hose'.

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Awesome effect! I'm even trying to make a nebula tut based on this.

Also, there actually is a smudge tool that's been published. Pyrochild's the humble author.


Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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  • 5 weeks later...

I've noticed when airbrushing, you usually come to a point in the canvas where the effect stops. Is there a way to circumvent this; or can Rick change PDN's code to fix this? It gets very annoying. It does the same thing when you use the clone stamp for clone stamping.

Perhaps someone can use the concept this tut uses to develop a real airbrush plugin. That would be cool.

Space...The Final Frontier. -James Tiberius Kirk; circa 2260s


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  • 2 months later...

Wow, this is simply great. Now people can run Burn,Dodge and whatever you mentioned in Paint.net. :)

As the making feathered brushes here is a bit tricky, you can blur a black dot, run B&A and use custombrushesMini to make a brush. Although it may not be as good as yours. :(

By the way, smudging is now possible with pyrochild's smudge tool. Simply run it on a layer and smudge whatever you want. Thank pyrochild for the smudge tool. :)

Edited by Yusuf Zah
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