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Gradient Effect Plug-In

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  • 2 weeks later...

I simply *LOVE* your plug-in. However, I did find a bug in it.

Whenever you have a concave selection, the results are not what is expected.

Here is a screenshot of what I'm trying to say:


Notice the area pointed to by the orange arrow.

By the way, all convex selections I've tried work as expected.

Hope this is clear.

EDIT: Well, nevermind. I see you pointed out this limitation in your original post. Reading is tech, I hear. :wink:

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I simply *LOVE* your plug-in. However, I did find a bug in it.

Whenever you have a concave selection, the results are not what is expected.

Here is a screenshot of what I'm trying to say:


Notice the area pointed to by the orange arrow.

By the way, all convex selections I've tried work as expected.

Hope this is clear.

EDIT: Well, nevermind. I see you pointed out this limitation in your original post. Reading is tech, I hear. :wink:

that's what I was trying to say.

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I simply *LOVE* your plug-in. However, I did find a bug in it.

Whenever you have a concave selection, the results are not what is expected.

You might be able to get around this limitation by filling your selection in a solid color and then making a square selection rectangle around it and then using the gradient mask color to only gradient fill the color you put in the selection.


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I got around the issue by writing my own plug-in. ;)

Here is the codelab code (warning, its not cleaned up, optimized, or commented):

void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect)
   bool AlphaOnly = false; // false=full color, true=alpha channel only
   int Direction = 7;      // 0=vertical, 1=horizontal, 2-3=diagonal, 4=Radial Corner, 5=Radial Side, 6=square, 7=conical
   int SwapColors = 0;     // 0=normal, 1=swapped

   ColorBgra PrimaryColor,SecondaryColor,currpixel;
   double xD,yD;
   double ceiling,outer;
   int FirstR,FirstG,FirstB,FirstAlpha;
   int MaxR,MaxG,MaxB,MaxAlpha;
   int RAdjustmentDirection = 1,GAdjustmentDirection = 1,BAdjustmentDirection = 1,AlphaAdjustmentDirection = 1;
   double MidR,MidG,MidB,MidAlpha;
   int RowR,RowG,RowB,RowAlpha;
   double MaxDistance = 0,CurrDistance = 0;
   long CenterX = 0,CenterY = 0;
   double angle = 0, XPercent = 0, YPercent = 0;
   PdnRegion selectionRegion = EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds);
   Rectangle selection = this.EnvironmentParameters.GetSelection(src.Bounds).GetBoundsInt();

   if (SwapColors == 0) {
       PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;
       SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
   } else {
       PrimaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.SecondaryColor;
       SecondaryColor = (ColorBgra)EnvironmentParameters.PrimaryColor;

   FirstAlpha = PrimaryColor.A;
   MaxAlpha = Math.Abs(SecondaryColor.A-PrimaryColor.A);

   if (PrimaryColor.A > SecondaryColor.A)
       AlphaAdjustmentDirection = -1;

   FirstR = PrimaryColor.R;
   FirstG = PrimaryColor.G;
   FirstB = PrimaryColor.B;

   MaxR = Math.Abs(SecondaryColor.R-PrimaryColor.R);
   MaxG = Math.Abs(SecondaryColor.G-PrimaryColor.G);
   MaxB = Math.Abs(SecondaryColor.B-PrimaryColor.;

   if (PrimaryColor.R > SecondaryColor.R)
       RAdjustmentDirection = -1;
   if (PrimaryColor.G > SecondaryColor.G)
       GAdjustmentDirection = -1;
   if (PrimaryColor.B > SecondaryColor.
       BAdjustmentDirection = -1;

   MidR = (FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*(MaxR/2)));
   MidG = (FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*(MaxG/2)));
   MidB = (FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*(MaxB/2)));
   MidAlpha = (FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*(MaxAlpha/2)));

   ceiling = selection.Bottom - selection.Top;
   outer = selection.Right - selection.Left;
   CenterX = (long)(((selection.Right - selection.Left) / 2)+selection.Left);
   CenterY = (long)(((selection.Bottom - selection.Top) / 2)+selection.Top);

       case 4: //corner
           MaxDistance = (double)Math.Sqrt((CenterX-selection.Left)*(CenterX-selection.Left) + (CenterY-selection.Top)*(CenterY-selection.Top));
       case 5: //short side
           MaxDistance = (double)Math.Min(CenterX-selection.Left,CenterY-selection.Top);
   //System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Max Distance: " + MaxDistance.ToString(),"Debug", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);

   currpixel = src[selection.Left, selection.Top]; // Not used, but won't compile without it.

   for(int y = rect.Top; y     {
       for (int x = rect.Left; x         {
           if (selectionRegion.IsVisible(x, y))
               currpixel = src[x, y];
               xD = (int)x;
               yD = (int)y;
           		case 1:
                    if (!AlphaOnly)
                        currpixel.R = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*MaxR)));
                        currpixel.G = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*MaxG)));
                        currpixel.B = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*MaxB)));
                    currpixel.A = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*MaxAlpha)));
                   case 0:
                    if (!AlphaOnly)
                        currpixel.R = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*MaxR)));
                        currpixel.G = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*MaxG)));
                        currpixel.B = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*MaxB)));
                    currpixel.A = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*MaxAlpha)));
                case 2:
                    if (!AlphaOnly)
                           RowR = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxR/2))));
                           RowG = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxG/2))));
                           RowB = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxB/2))));
                           currpixel.R = (byte)(RowR+(RAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxR/2))));
                           currpixel.G = (byte)(RowG+(GAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxG/2))));
                           currpixel.B = (byte)(RowB+(BAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxB/2))));
                       RowAlpha = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxAlpha/2))));
                       currpixel.A = (byte)(RowAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxAlpha/2))));
                case 3:
                    if (!AlphaOnly)
                        RowR = (byte)(MidR+(RAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxR/2))));
                        RowG = (byte)(MidG+(GAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxG/2))));
                        RowB = (byte)(MidB+(BAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxB/2))));
                        currpixel.R = (byte)(RowR-(RAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxR/2))));
                        currpixel.G = (byte)(RowG-(GAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxG/2))));
                        currpixel.B = (byte)(RowB-(BAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxB/2))));
                       RowAlpha = (byte)(MidAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*((yD-selection.Top)/ceiling*(MaxAlpha/2))));
                       currpixel.A = (byte)(RowAlpha-(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*((xD-selection.Left)/outer*(MaxAlpha/2))));
                case 4:
                case 5:
                    CurrDistance = (double)Math.Sqrt( ((CenterX-x)*(CenterX-x)) + ((CenterY-y)*(CenterY-y)) );
                    if (CurrDistance 	                    {
                        if (!AlphaOnly)
                            currpixel.R = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*(CurrDistance/MaxDistance*MaxR)));
                            currpixel.G = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*(CurrDistance/MaxDistance*MaxG)));
                            currpixel.B = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*(CurrDistance/MaxDistance*MaxB)));
                        currpixel.A = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*(CurrDistance/MaxDistance*MaxAlpha)));
                    } else {
                        if (!AlphaOnly)
                            currpixel.R = SecondaryColor.R;
                            currpixel.G = SecondaryColor.G;
                            currpixel.B = SecondaryColor.B;
                        currpixel.A = SecondaryColor.A;
                case 6:
                    XPercent = Math.Min(Math.Abs(xD-selection.Left),Math.Abs(xD-selection.Right))/(CenterX-selection.Left);
                    YPercent = Math.Min(Math.Abs(yD-selection.Top),Math.Abs(yD-selection.Bottom))/(CenterY-selection.Top);
                    if (XPercent > YPercent)
                           if (!AlphaOnly)
                               currpixel.R = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*YPercent*MaxR));
                               currpixel.G = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*YPercent*MaxG));
                               currpixel.B = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*YPercent*MaxB));
                           currpixel.A = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*YPercent*MaxAlpha));
                           if (!AlphaOnly)
                               currpixel.R = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*XPercent*MaxR));
                               currpixel.G = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*XPercent*MaxG));
                               currpixel.B = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*XPercent*MaxB));
                           currpixel.A = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*XPercent*MaxAlpha));
                case 7:
                    xD = xD - CenterX;
                    yD = yD - CenterY;
                       angle = Math.Atan2(yD,xD)*(180 / Math.PI);
                    if (angle	                    if (!AlphaOnly)
                           currpixel.R = (byte)(FirstR+(RAdjustmentDirection*(angle/180*MaxR)));
                           currpixel.G = (byte)(FirstG+(GAdjustmentDirection*(angle/180*MaxG)));
                           currpixel.B = (byte)(FirstB+(BAdjustmentDirection*(angle/180*MaxB)));
                       currpixel.A = (byte)(FirstAlpha+(AlphaAdjustmentDirection*(angle/180*MaxAlpha)));
               dst[x,y] = currpixel;

Illnab1024 really helped me get started. I have sent the code to him and asked him to put a UI on it.

BTW, I added a different circle, a square, and a conical filter.

You can download the updated Gradiants.dll here:


Enjoy. :D

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