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Save and re-use workflow?

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Hi @brekelm

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Script lab;

Use this plugin to create scripts and compilations of all of your other Paint.NET effects, adjustments, and plugins. You can save, load, and share your scripts.


In layman's terms : If you want to save a sequence of commands to apply to an image this is the tool for you.

Just open script lab - select a couple of sample effects, save the script, then see how it works when you load different images.


Using it with files that have multiple layers may be be a little more complicated. Hope this helps. B)


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38 minutes ago, AndrewDavid said:

Using it with files that have multiple layers may be be a little more complicated.


As AndrewDavid suggests, that's a limitation of ScriptLab. As useful as it is, it can only save a sequence of effects applied to a single layer. You can't record the changes to multiple layers, and you can't record any operations besides Adjustments and Effects. For example, you can't save Tool operations, such as selections. No user-written plugin could do that. (It would certainly be nice if the user could highlight a sequence of History entries, and save them as a command!)


(The fact that ScriptLab can do as much as it can surprises me. One of these days I'm going to have to study the code and figure out how it works.)

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Ha, I found the plug-in here. I was googling it and came on a website 'the scriptlab.com' and couldn't figure out what the hell it had to do with the topic! It helps me quite a bit, Effects and Adjustments are the bulk of the operations I'm using. Luckily, for the moment I need it for images that are already compressed into a single layer.


Thank you!

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