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Color Range Test


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This plugin can be useful for selecting objects in the image or for creation a color mask of object. The plugin is based on the script of Color Target plugin by rwp80.


See Color Range effect topic.


User Interface:



Short tutorial (the original image from http://trueimages.ru/img/a2/f3/12/6d5ae ... f9249a.jpg)

1. Open the image, duplicate a layer, deselect the lower layer. With Color Picker ( :ColorPickerTool: ) , define the necessary color.




2. Apply the Color Range effect. Use the controls until you get a good result.




3. Select an object with the Magic Wond ( :MagicWandTool:).




Invert selection (Ctrl+I) and cut the artefacts (Ctrl+X). Use the Eraser ( :EraserTool:) and Paintbrush ( :PaintBrushTool:), if necessary. Then again select the  object with the Magic Wond ( :MagicWandTool:).


4. Uncheck the top layer, and select the bottom layer. Apply to the selection Hue / Saturation adjustment or Saturation RGB effect.




Compare results:







EDIT: More information see How To Use Color Range effect.


I want to know: is the Brightness Tolerance control is useful? If it's useful, in what range?

Under which submenu of the menu Effects it's necessary to place this effect?

Edited by ReMake
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Interesting! Thank you very much, ReMake. Some will know by now that I have a soft spot for "Color" plugins.



Under which submenu of the menu Effects it's necessary to place this effect?

Isn't "Color" the obvious answer?

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... Isn't "Color" the obvious answer?


Perhaps. Let it be Color, unless other proposals.


That is really cool @Remake - it's magical how it works - thank you :beer::pizza: .


ReMake!  :)

Thank you very much.  :cake:  :mtdew:


Thanks for testing and sharing of your works.


I still want to know : is the Brightness Tolerance control is useful?

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I still want to know : is the Brightness Tolerance control is useful?


I would say it's absolutely critical to have this, as it aids in the fine selection of the area you want to color :) .

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Thank you, ReMake! hi.gif It looks like a useful tool and I'll certainly give it a try within these days!


Edit: here's a quick test (I quite like how the recoloring turned out).









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This is the plugin I'm waiting for ! 


Here are what happened when I'd rather use color range to do Pleasantville Effects :




( Using Black & White Effect on selected area )




It's better than using magic wand alone. Look at what happened when I 'blew up' the picture to 200 % zoom :






Still fine and no grotty colour gap/border which always happened when I used magic wand only. 


With this plugin, Paint.NET is able to do the things that Adobe PS does. Congratulations, ReMake !

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With this plugin, Paint.NET is able to do the things that Adobe PS does. Congratulations, ReMake !


Yes, this effect is similar to PhotoShop's function Color Range.


Very interesting find, Nai! It's always great when a plugin has more than one possible way to be used :)


I completely agree.

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There is no need to define the color of the object with a Color Picker and a Color Wheel. In many cases it's enough to choose the color close to color of object from a set of colors. I have added in the User Interface a set of colors. Now the User Interface looks like this.




See the new version of effect in the first post.

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I've just discovered the plugin can also be used to make a sketchy outline or stencil of a picture when black is selected. It may work with other colors too, but I feel it works better with black. I'll post an example later today LAieA_008.gif


Maximilian! Excellent work. Well done.   :cake:   :mtdew: 

Thank you, Seerose! LaieA_060.gif


I completely agree.


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How about adding up highlights, midtone and shadow to the colour options ?


In the new version they are called White, Grey and Black.


This is probably not the same thing. In the next few days I 'll look into this question.

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This is probably not the same thing. In the next few days I 'll look into this question.

Yup, it's something from Adobe PS. 


Anyway, I've tried to adapt high-key glow PS tutorial using white and grey options, and it's give almost similar results. :-)



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Here are two examples of what I mentioned in my previous post. Stencils can also be made with Red ochre's Two Tone Threshold, but the method is different of course. With this plugin I select black as the color, and set the brightness slider to some value around the middle or quite below the middle. It's good to have another plugin to do stencils :)


Example 1:




Example 2:



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