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Blend Seams - for smoothing out pesky seams on textures

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Blend Seams


Moderator Note: Here's a compatible release for the latest versions of paint.net (beyond 4.0.10).




Source: https://github.com/DataDink/DinkPDN/blob/master/README.md#blend-seams

Download: https://github.com/DataDink/DinkPDN/raw/master/Binaries/BlendSeams/Latest/BlendSeams.dll

Developed on: PDN 4.0.6, NET 4.5.2, WIN 10


TLDR: This will attempt to smooth out the edges of a texture that isn't already seamless in hopes to hide the seam



  • Select a single iteration / tile of the texture
  • Effects -> Render -> Blend Seams
  • Adjust stuff
  • Tile the result side by side to see the results



What it does:

This plugin uses the center of the tile to smooth out the edges of the tile. The assumption is that the center of the tile has no seams and can be used to create blend points on the sides of the tile. 



This plugin is open source. If you want to fix something or improve this plugin please feel free to send me a pull request at https://github.com/DataDink/DinkPDN. I will accept anything that isn't too far off from the original "intent" of the project.



Edited by toe_head2001
Compatibility note
  • Upvote 9

- Cheers!

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I tried this out. I'm impressed.


Animated PNG showing tiling before and after Blend Seam was run:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankyou Serapth, that is a wonderful video. You have only 600+ video plugins to make now.  :)


Haha...... um....


You know, that would make a decent topic.  A sort of top 5 or top 10 Paint.net plugins for game developers.  That said, I don't know what they are ;)

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  • 5 months later...

Since this plugin breaks/crashes in the upcoming paint.net v4.0.10 release, I've converted it to a standard IndirectUI plugin. (DataDink appears to be on a hiatus). No other changes were made.




See details here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/107032-tile/#comment-511100


EDIT: This has been added to first post at the top of the page.

Edited by toe_head2001
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(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

My Gallery  |  My Plugin Pack

Layman's Guide to CodeLab

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  • 3 months later...

I get an error when trying to use this plugin


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\BlendSeams.dll
      Effect Name: BlendSeams.Plugin
      Full error message: System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'DinkPDN.Effects.Simple.ConfigurableDoubleAttribute.Create(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)' to access method 'PaintDotNet.IndirectUI.ControlInfo.CreateConcreteControl(System.Object)' failed.
   at DinkPDN.Effects.Simple.ConfigurableDoubleAttribute.Create(PropertyInfo property)
   at DinkPDN.Effects.Simple.BaseConfigurableEffect.CreateConfigDialog()
   at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffectImpl(Type effectType) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Menus\EffectMenuBase.cs:line 910

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  • 6 months later...

I apologize if this topic is outdated..


I do get the crash when I try to use this plugin. I am using the modified plugin above. Am using the latest paint.net (4.1).

I had to zip the dll file, and again unzip it so as to get rid of the "blocked" issue.

Can someone update me please?





File: C:\Program Files\paint.net\Effects\BlendSeams.dll
      Effect Name: BlendSeams.Plugin
      Full error message: System.MethodAccessException: Attempt by method 'DinkPDN.Effects.Simple.ConfigurableDoubleAttribute.Create(System.Reflection.PropertyInfo)' to access method 'PaintDotNet.IndirectUI.ControlInfo.CreateConcreteControl(System.Object)' failed.
   at DinkPDN.Effects.Simple.ConfigurableDoubleAttribute.Create(PropertyInfo property)
   at DinkPDN.Effects.Simple.BaseConfigurableEffect.CreateConfigDialog()
   at PaintDotNet.Menus.EffectMenuBase.RunEffectImpl(Type effectType) in D:\src\pdn\src\PaintDotNet\Menus\EffectMenuBase.cs:line 1003


Edited by Rajesh
Added crash log
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34 minutes ago, Rajesh said:

... I am using the modified plugin above. ...


Based on your crash log, you are using the original incompatible release. Please go back to the top of the page, and download the one mentioned in the red message.

Edited by toe_head2001

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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41 minutes ago, toe_head2001 said:


Based on your crash log, you are using the original incompatible release. Please go back to the top of the page, and download the one mentioned in the red message.

I just found it out, and was about to post it here. The one dll file that is about 26K crashed, while the other one that is about 10K worked OK.

Thank you for the quick response..

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  • 2 years later...

I wanted to give this a try so made a random image and here are the results:


Original Image I created:



Original Image tiled together without using Blend Seams:




Original Image after using Blend Seams:



Original Image Tiled together after using Blend Seams (plus used sharpen+ to enhance and change saturation a tiny bit):




I am very impressed with how it dramatically changed the original image so it could fit as best as possible in a tile setting, and I did use sharpen+ so I could make the bright green on top seem to look more like it was glowing  while adding a tiny amount to the dark green so it looks like it has some glow hitting it.


I am very happy how this turned out.

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