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CannedBrush 1.5

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Why is it called CannedBrush in somel areas and CustomPatterns in others?

I have fixed the heading, the forum section title will not change as "CustomPattern" is the name given to one of the resources used by the plugin. If you find any more places it is called "CustomPatterns" please notify me in this thread.

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It is similar to the custom brushes plugin, however, instead of asking the user to click where they wish the brush to be placed, it asks them to select a brush and also a "pattern" image which defines the location the given brush is to be placed.

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Hey! That lets you draw with a gradient, like GIMP! That is some of the best functionality GIMP has that PDN doesn't! Make a plugin for that! Please.

Could you explain what you are talking about?

Edit: The concept of a brush that gradually changes colour?

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Go into GIMP if you have it. There is an option called "use color from gradient" that lets you say, if you took a linear gradient, draw in black, which slowly gets lighter, then resets to black once it gets to white. Linear reflected and such are smoother. If you still don't get it I'll upload an img. (I'm good with GIMP)

EDIT: And what's with the spoiler?

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