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  1. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Plugins Needed: Gradient Bars Step 1. New Canvas (720x240) Step 2. Render Gradient Bars (Effects>Render>Gradient Bars) at the settings below. Make sure your primary color is white and your secondary color is black. Step 3. New Layer. Set blend mode to overlay. Step 4. This is the fun part! You color with the paintbrush all over Layer 2. I used a paintbrush tool at 150, but you can use anything around that size. It looks best to use a bunch of colors that are similar to each other (e.g. 0718FF, 78FFFF, and 78B2FF) This is a very creative step, though, so this is a part to experiment on. Step 5. Your screen should look a little like this right now. You can use any colors you want. Step 6. Switch back to the Gradient Bars layer and do the Glow effect on it (Effects>Photo> Glow). I would say at a radius of 6, Brightness and Contrast at 10. You can do whatever looks best to you. Step 7. Add a new layer and text. Since you're making a signature, make it your screen name. Step 8. Go back to Layer 2. Add noise (effects>noise>add noise) at the below settings. And Wha-la! You're done. Critiques and comments appreciated! Here are some others I've made. These next few were made a little differently. You don't color the whole second layer, just the picture you want to show. You do everything else the same. To be used on this forum you have to re size it to be under 500x150 and here's how to do that 1. First,you select all (Ctrl+A) and re size it to the size you want by using the little tabs in the corners. Check in the bottom left corner to make sure it is the right size. 2. Move the selection into the middle. 3. Re size the canvas. (Ctrl+R) and where it says length, put 500, and where it says width put 150. Aaaaaaand you're really done!
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