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  1. This is a great solution for a problem I was having! I hope more people are aware of this plugin's availability! It's a little tricky because it doesn't work with layers very nicely. But if I load up the brush, and then modify the underlying layer, and then *undo that*, it is easy enough to just use the "Repeat Effect" option to apply it to the layer I did want to use a custom brush on. Not super elegant, but it works great! Thanks!
  2. I got that, don't worry, the admin already replied elsewhere to me about rule 7 or 8. No need to repeat Can we please keep to the topic at hand? Thanks.
  3. Can you advise how to make the UI look like v4.0 or at least offer the old installation link for it such that if my set up is broken or the plugin fails still, so I can go back to my old method that while imperfect still can accomplish what I need? I get it, tech support is hard across multiple versions. Just with the latest version literally announcing it broke a lot of plugins, I'm hesitant to upgrade.
  4. I can't find it on google drive, are there older versions available to download so I can install on v4.0?
  5. Thanks, I wish that worked! Any one have alternatives? I mean, literally, the plugin doesn't work. I extracted the dll (And the pdb) file to my paint.net installation folder -> effects subfolder, and restarted PDN, and there is no "Brush Factory" to be selected under Effects -> Tools. It may not be supported on v4.0.17
  6. With the aid of autohotkey, I am doing as demonstrated in this video. I use a hotkey to reset the clone stamp between every "copy and paste" that I want to do. Using native copy and paste for the graphic, it has to be manually repositoned and is much more time consuming. What I am looking for is truly a *stamp* where I load up a single image, and wherever I click, it just pastes that image right there. Are there any plugins like that? https://streamable.com/y7dpop
  7. I do not have this issue, but two things to try. It's unlikely, but you may have changed your Fill Pattern. When you select the Text Tool, toward the right of the toolbar will be a drop down menu titled "Fill: [something]". The standard is Solid Color, if it is not solid color, change it back to solid color. Otherwise, the first button to the right of this menu is a toggle between Anti-Aliased and Aliased images. The Anti-Aliased option makes text look smoother, by applying transparent pixels. An Aliased image is pixel-thin text, and it doesn't look too good. What you're describing is possibly horrible rendering of the anti-aliased text for whichever font you are using (which you did not mention so it was harder to diagnose this). Hopefully I could help you somewhat with this issue. It's something I haven't heard of before.
  8. I've actually created a back up collection of my Effects and Filetype Folders in Paint.NET that are stored on my external hard drive. I used it initially to copy over all of my plugins from one computer to another, and now I add on to it regularly in preparation for a crash. As for rounding corners, there's a plugin called Rounded Rectangle which renders a rectangle with rounded corners. If you use that as a masking layer (put it on it's own layer, then use the magic wand tool to select the missing corners and go to the other layer(s) and erase those selections OR select the rectangle and just crop down to it across all layers) you might be able to achieve the effect that you're looking for.
  9. The plugin (and images) links are broken. If anyone has the plugin already, can you upload it as an alternate link for this thread?
  10. I really liked the simplicity involved, and the fact that I wouldn't have thought of something like this. Went off of aguba's reversal application to create this image that focuses on the eyes.
  11. I can't speak for Pinta, but I would believe he may just be experimenting and wanting to see how successful he was in his first try at something like this.
  12. Thank you very much Sarkut. That is much better than what I had done.
  13. I haven't found a way, and I don't think there is one. If there is, I'd like to know as well. This is a quote from over 2 years ago, and I don't think I had PDN back then. But I've used the method of saving an image as a PNG, it asks to flatten, then it saves, and then I undo the flattening and continue any work on the image that I want. I do this often when toying with an image, and trying different effects. If I find an image I like, I save it, and continue experimenting. This way, I don't have to remember how far back in history to go, nor do I have to reopen a PDN to "restore" my work to that point later on. I'll also save a file as a PDN if I require flattening an image to try an idea I just came up with that needs it, so I can restore myself to that point more easily.
  14. I'm having difficulties with resizing some wallpapers here. Some I know can't be resized easily to look nice, and some will blur up noticeably. But some with a solid background color are very easy to change up. I was even able to handle an abnormal gradient thanks the plugin Trail by, I think, pyrochild. But then this one case came up, which I thought was easy enough to do. But it was tedious to make it look nice and be free of any sloppy editing. I looked around the plugins section, and couldn't find anything that did what I wanted. The closest was the plugin Trail, which will pull an image in one direction, which can be a way of expanding borders. It works fine in some wallpapers I was resizing, but I came across a case where it didn't work out well. See http://i26.tinypic.com/kap5zt.jpg Now, speaking in terms of wallpapers, this image's dimensions were 1280x800. I use a higher resolution of 1920x1200. So rather than having the image resized to 1920x800 and become blurrier in the process, I wanted to simply expand the borders in the direction of each line as best as possible. I accomplished this, but it was very time consuming to get something that didn't look sloppily edited. If you're interested in the process, continue reading this paragraph. Otherwise, skip to the next one. I took that image, and resized the canvas and kept the image centered. I then added a new layer, and put a 1 pixel wide line overtop each of the black lines that expand from the middle (which I learned was slightly off center). I would then go back to the original layer, and use the clone stamp tool. I would use the lines on the above layer as guides to where to place the anchor and where I should place the next circle to set the distance. This involved recognizing patterns in the diagonal lines. You could count the pixels, and on one of the easiest lines, I could count the pixels vertically and noticing how many pixels they were horizontally, like in this image. http://i25.tinypic.com/302cr5s.jpg The pattern isn't 1-2-1-2.. as you might expect. But actually 1-2-1-2-1-2-1-2-2... Having to identify this pattern as best as possible (not easy when somethings were actually like 3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-5-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4-3-4-4-4-4... and there wasn't quite enough to the line to confirm the pattern. In the end, I ended up with this image http://i27.tinypic.com/ivhkb9.jpg. If you look closely, you can find small irregularities. I'm wondering if anybody has an easier method to go about accomplishing something like this (multicolored, but "simple" background with an object that should be centered to look nice). Or if a plugin were designed. A plugin that could be set to duplicate the flow of certain colors of pixels from a center point (that can be adjusted at the pixel level), and how large of a sample to take, and how far away from the center the first sampled pixel is, would be great. A visual might help explain what kind of plugin I'm looking for. http://i30.tinypic.com/1zqd1uf.png What I'd like to happen is that 2 radii could be set, creating a donut shape (square or circular), and based on the different colors of the pixels, a direction that their going in could be determined (if it could work with a curve, it could actually be used for a different purpose of creating interesting designs). If a plugin that does something similar to this is already released, or if a plugin like Trail could be used to do this, that would be great to know. I can think of Trail being able to do this if you recentered the point where all the lines originate from, then duplicated the layer for how many lines there were, and used each layer to expand the image in the same direction as one of the lines. Then you would crop off the rest of the lines that don't match up (in the case of the wallpaper I showed, that would be all of the other lines) and repeat the process for each layer and for each individual line. Thinking this over, this could've been an easier method had I thought it through (as the angle was shown for all the lines I drew on the separate layer when I used my clone stamping method, and all I really needed was the angle of each line). But I guess that's what happens when you struggle through something like this at 3 in the morning. Heh. Still, if a plugin, or easier method is out there, I'd love to know. Thanks!
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