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Ego Eram Reputo

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Ego Eram Reputo last won the day on April 13

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About Ego Eram Reputo

  • Birthday 11/03/1965

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    North Canterbury, New Zealand
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    Web design & graphic design. Chess, modelling, gaming & trail running. Fiddling with C#.

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  1. You can't do it for all layers in one go. You need to do one layer, then repeat for the other layers. Like this: Use the Paneling plugin to move the contents of the first layer Activate the next layer Press F8 to repeat step 1 on the active layer. goto step 2 for as many layers as you need to move.
  2. Also check out the status bar when the Clone Stamp is active
  3. A couple of leads you might find valuable..... https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/21134-how-can-i-create-a-shape-and-recolor-it/?tab=comments#comment-348884 https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/112561-change-color/?do=findComment&comment=543800
  4. Some progress....... // Name: Box Outlining GPU // Submenu: test // Author: // Title: // Version: // Desc: // Keywords: // URL: // Help: // For help writing a GPU Drawing plugin: https://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial/drawing/ #region UICode IntSliderControl Amount2 = 35; // [15,100] Size IntSliderControl Amount3 = 9; // [2,25] Spacing #endregion protected override unsafe void OnDraw(IDeviceContext deviceContext) { deviceContext.DrawImage(Environment.SourceImage); // preserve background // find out where our selection is located RectInt32 selection = Environment.Selection.RenderBounds; // variables int boxSize = Amount2/2; int Spacing = Amount3+1; int doubleSpacing = Amount3*2; int thickness = 2; int rndHeight, rndWidth; int step = boxSize*7/10; // define your brush and stroke style ISolidColorBrush fillBrush = deviceContext.CreateSolidColorBrush(LinearColors.LightGray); ISolidColorBrush outlineBrush = deviceContext.CreateSolidColorBrush(LinearColors.Black); IStrokeStyle boxStrokeStyle = deviceContext.Factory.CreateStrokeStyle(StrokeStyleProperties.Default); // setup drawing mode deviceContext.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.Aliased; // or .PerPrimitive Random rnd = new Random(); for (int y = selection.Top; y < selection.Bottom; y += step) { for (int x = selection.Left; x < selection.Right; x += step) { //if source pixel is opaque ) rndWidth = rnd.Next(Spacing, doubleSpacing); rndHeight = rnd.Next(Spacing, doubleSpacing); deviceContext.FillRectangle(x-rndWidth, y-rndHeight, boxSize, boxSize, fillBrush); deviceContext.DrawRectangle(x-rndWidth, y-rndHeight, boxSize, boxSize, outlineBrush, thickness, boxStrokeStyle); } } } I haven't figured out how to poll the source pixel yet, so I'm just filling selections at the moment. Still, I think looks great!
  5. Seen the latest API documentation? https://paintdotnet.github.io/apidocs/api/index.html There are a great many effects you can access and chain together. For example, see https://paintdotnet.github.io/apidocs/api/PaintDotNet.Effects.Gpu.html
  6. Hadn't considered that. I'll have a look and see if I can make six or seven boxes work. Nice! Thank you @BoltBait Thanks Red. Quite right. I will change of course. The posted code was something from a year or so ago (I just had another play with it to remember where I got to).
  7. I could use a little help on this one I'm trying to recreate an outlining effect I saw on Watabou's one-page dungeon generator. I want to surround an object with little gray boxes something like this image. I had a very rough stab at it. Basically my plan was to step through the image and test the transparency of the target pixel. If it was transparent, throw a little box around it. The code I wrote trying to hack this out was truly awful. Results were ......promising!? (at least it was working right 😁) Does anyone want to help me write something a little more elegant?
  8. I disagree. I think this plugin is too good to lose. If you're willing to release the source code I'm sure someone will recompile and publish it.
  9. The easiest way to duplicate a Shape is this: Draw your Shape on a blank layer Duplicate the layer It's one extra click for each duplication.
  10. Thanks @Tactilis. I can't see Bayer as an option in AdvDith. Simulate Color Depth does have Bayer Ordered 8x8. Beware this plugin crashes if you attempt to use the Stucki dithering method.
  11. @xod - I've just added this to the plugin index in the April 2024 update. I've belatedly realized it is still pending the rewrite Rick suggested. Are you intending to re-release it soon?
  12. April Update One new plugin this month: Warp text along a path xod Writes text along a user-specified path. The plugin uses the SkiaSharp library, so you need to put all three files from the ZIP file into the Effects folder. *please note* this plugin is currently undergoing revision/rerwrite to make it conform to standards. There is also the inclusion of an older plugin - which had been missed (thanks @toe_head2001) Alpha Mask (aka Apply Alpha Mask) from @BoltBait's Plugin Pack.
  13. I tried to find a Bayer dither, but couldn't locate one. https://forums.getpaint.net/PluginIndex?keywords=dither&author=All+Authors&type=0&status=7&compat=3&order=title&menu=All+Menus&release=0
  14. ^^ Confirmed. Crash seems to be related to setting the Dither Method to Stucki. Error message:
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