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Everything posted by Rubrica

  1. Ersten: die Regeln sagen, dass du hier in Englisch sprechen musst. Um ihre Frage zu beantworten, schreiben Sie der Text in eine neue Schicht, und dann drücken Sie Strg + Umschalt + Z und wählen Sie ein Winkel. P.S., ich entschuldige mich für meine Deutsch. --- First: the rules say you have to speak in English here. To answer your question, write the text in a new layer, and then press Ctrl+SHift+Z and choose an angle. Sorry for my German.
  2. To elaborate on that, rectangles are ALWAYS made of right angles, and the diagonal of any convex quadrilateral will always be shorted than the sum of the two pairs of sides either side of it. EDIT: I just realised you said HALF the short side, but it still won't work. EDIT TWO: d= diagonal, w = width, l = length, d = sqrt(w^2 + l^2)
  3. OK, though it was drawn out for a long time, my official rules say that we are now ready, with three votes in after the deadline, to close the competition. I'll update the post now.
  4. Wait... I'm no expert on this sort of thing but does this, to an extent, mean compatibility with Topaz filters? If so, it's like Christmas come a few days late.
  5. To answer the questions in reverse: If you saved the image, then closed Paint.NET, then you can't amend. However, if you haven't closed PDN, just press Ctrl+Z to undo any changes, etc. Also, you most likely had a selection that you were typing outside of, and then pressed Ctrl+D, which deselects it. Of course, I may have misunderstood your problem; I have a feeling that I have.
  6. In the "Layers" window, selct the layer that contains the first image, and continue from there. Also, make sure that you have deselected the second image by pressing Ctrl+D. Otherwise, the only changes you will be able to make to the first image will be in the selection, and, therefore, obscured by the second image.
  7. When you say "paid for it", you mean as in a donation, right? If not, you've probably been taken in; PDN is free. Sorry if I'm being a bit stupid here, just wanted to check.
  8. I'm also using Lulu for my book publishing (what a lovely coincidence) and I'm just using trial and error; I now have a fully functional cover, exactly to my needs, and I didn't have to use the template at all. I'd recommend that you do the same, to be honest; it's nice and easy.
  9. Or, if you don't particularly like downloading random zip files from strangers (even the best of us get a little paranoid) there's a free online tool called WhatTheFont that identifies fonts.
  10. People always appear to forget the oblique plugin. I can't find the link at the moment, I'm afraid.
  11. Also, I've seen it in several of his livestreams (I always watch them whenever they're announced). Could this not go in the "Paint.NET is getting notied" thread or whatever it was called, though?
  12. Really? It must have changed; I haven't tested it for a while. That, or I'm mistaken...
  13. I know the connection to the theme is rather tenuous, but consider that it was _once_ airborne. And with that, it is my sorry duty to close the competition! Voting starts now, and will end on the 16th.
  14. Oh, don't worry, I really love yours; you got the dithering just right. I'll be entering mine this afternoon then.
  15. Also, if it happens in the future, bear in mind that the crash dialogue is not modal, so you can save your work before restarting.
  16. Deadline extended to the 9th. I have an entry coming, and we just need one more after that.
  17. Ah, but there is; it's not fun if there's no competition.
  18. Voting is on! Results! Well, it's taken a LOOOONG time, but we're ready! To usher in the new year for the parts of the forum lie my own that don't have it yet, we're going to have a little party... no, not a New Year's party, a party in celebration of Leonte's victory! Yes, with three votes, Leonte has won PXLCOMP6. In second place is Kemaru, with a single vote, and, sadly, no-one else got a vote. So, I'll be speaking to Leonte soon to ask for a theme, and then we'll get cracking! Happy new year, everyone! To vote, either; - If you want to vote publicly, post here. - If you want to vote privately, PM me. Voting ends on the 16th of November. Deadline: 9th of November, 2010 See above. Welcome back to the Pixel Competition, as hosted by me and as sponsored by all those cute little pixels on the site. The theme this time is "Airborne". By this, Mayor_McSteeve, the winner of the previous competition, means anything that can fly, e.g., birds, planes, Superman, et cetera. Rules - Entries made before the contest are not allowed. - Only one entry per person. - Layers are allowed. - Partial and full transparency is allowed (I used to frown on this, however I have since been persuaded) - Any inspiration and stock (not that you're likely to be using stock images) must be linked to or otherwise given credit. - MS Paint may NOT be used, I'm afraid. I know you could in competition #1, but you can't this time. - No cheating! Naturally. - You must, of course, adhere to the theme. Entries may be disqualified if enough people cannot see the relevance to the theme. With that, I don't believe there is any further need for discussion, however if there is anything you wish to say, please move it to the discussion thread. It can be found here.
  19. Will those of us with XP be discouraged from downloading v4, then? Or will we just find our copy of PDN stops working? One of our computers is on XP, is all, and it'd be a nuisance to make use of that free copy of GIMP I got with a magazine.
  20. Darnit, I had it put down on my calendar as the 15th! I'm sorry, I'll begin the tally now. EDIT: Tada! Updated.
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