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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/19/2024 in Posts

  1. @Silverdenn probably came to this topic via the Plugin Index. The Plugin Index, until a few minutes ago, would cause these kind of issues on pages it linked to.
    4 points
  2. Some progress....... // Name: Box Outlining GPU // Submenu: test // Author: // Title: // Version: // Desc: // Keywords: // URL: // Help: // For help writing a GPU Drawing plugin: https://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/tutorial/drawing/ #region UICode IntSliderControl Amount2 = 35; // [15,100] Size IntSliderControl Amount3 = 9; // [2,25] Spacing #endregion protected override unsafe void OnDraw(IDeviceContext deviceContext) { deviceContext.DrawImage(Environment.SourceImage); // preserve background // find out where our selection is located RectInt32 selection = Environment.Selection.RenderBounds; // variables int boxSize = Amount2/2; int Spacing = Amount3+1; int doubleSpacing = Amount3*2; int thickness = 2; int rndHeight, rndWidth; int step = boxSize*7/10; // define your brush and stroke style ISolidColorBrush fillBrush = deviceContext.CreateSolidColorBrush(LinearColors.LightGray); ISolidColorBrush outlineBrush = deviceContext.CreateSolidColorBrush(LinearColors.Black); IStrokeStyle boxStrokeStyle = deviceContext.Factory.CreateStrokeStyle(StrokeStyleProperties.Default); // setup drawing mode deviceContext.AntialiasMode = AntialiasMode.Aliased; // or .PerPrimitive Random rnd = new Random(); for (int y = selection.Top; y < selection.Bottom; y += step) { for (int x = selection.Left; x < selection.Right; x += step) { //if source pixel is opaque ) rndWidth = rnd.Next(Spacing, doubleSpacing); rndHeight = rnd.Next(Spacing, doubleSpacing); deviceContext.FillRectangle(x-rndWidth, y-rndHeight, boxSize, boxSize, fillBrush); deviceContext.DrawRectangle(x-rndWidth, y-rndHeight, boxSize, boxSize, outlineBrush, thickness, boxStrokeStyle); } } } I haven't figured out how to poll the source pixel yet, so I'm just filling selections at the moment. Still, I think looks great!
    4 points
  3. 4 points
  4. I have converted ShapeMaker to a GpuDrawingEffect. It should work the same as before. There are still a few tweaks I want to make to the plugin, but in the meantime, if anyone wants to test the changes thus far... ShapeMaker-Test.zip
    4 points
  5. I've just added the allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox attribute onto the iframe's sandbox. In essence, any linked page would inherit the sandbox restrictions of the iframe. Not anymore. This should fix issues where people were not able to reply to linked topics, or even download attachments.
    3 points
  6. [SOLVED] Hello, after receiving guidance from this forum, I took the following step to troubleshoot the problem: Removed TrustView from Startup > I removed the TrustView application from the Windows 11 Startup list via Settings > Apps > Startup, and then rebooted my laptop. I'm pleased to report that after performing this step, the issue with paint.net seems to be completely resolved! I can now use the selection tools without any crashes. If anyone else encounters a similar issue with paint.net, I recommend checking your system's startup applications and removing any potentially conflicting software. I want to extend my sincere thanks to @Tactilis and @Rick Brewster who offered kind suggestions and support during this troubleshooting process. Thank you once again for your help and expertise!
    3 points
  7. (The term you're looking for is "canvas") This isn't currently possible but is something I'm considering for the upcoming 5.1 release. Maybe not the color but at least the brightness.
    3 points
  8. Yes, this looks like a bug in Shape Maker. I will try to fix it sometime this week.
    3 points
  9. Could you start paint.net (don't use the selection tools) and go to Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to clipboard and paste the text here. Also click Open crash log folder and see whether there are any pdncrash.n.log files. These are text files and the content can be emailed to the address shown on the first line of the file. Your wording suggests that paint.net used to work correctly on your system. Do you have any idea what changed just prior to the problem starting? You may have malware on your PC. See Trojan.KeyLogger.43099 https://vms.drweb.com/virus/?i=23537722 I'd suggest doing a full scan using Defender (part of Windows) and/or installing a scanner such as Malwarebytes and seeing what that reports.
    2 points
  10. This will happen if you manually change the file extension in the Save dialog, without actually choosing the format from the dropdown.
    2 points
  11. I could use a little help on this one I'm trying to recreate an outlining effect I saw on Watabou's one-page dungeon generator. I want to surround an object with little gray boxes something like this image. I had a very rough stab at it. Basically my plan was to step through the image and test the transparency of the target pixel. If it was transparent, throw a little box around it. The code I wrote trying to hack this out was truly awful. Results were ......promising!? (at least it was working right 😁) Does anyone want to help me write something a little more elegant?
    2 points
  12. Here's how on one layer. 1. draw the line at #10. 2. Select the bottom and fill. Duplicate and merge a few times. 3. AA's Assistant. 4. Select the top and fill.
    2 points
  13. Made a couple of shapes today. Working great! 😊
    2 points
  14. @Pixey, @Tactilis, @BDP, Thanks, I think Cobweb is the closest. @Red ochre In fact, the effect is a combination between Cobweb and StringAndPin. I tried Gossamer but I think it's an advanced level plugin, I'm not sure how it works. Thanks for these tools. They are awesome.
    2 points
  15. April Update One new plugin this month: Warp text along a path xod Writes text along a user-specified path. The plugin uses the SkiaSharp library, so you need to put all three files from the ZIP file into the Effects folder. *please note* this plugin is currently undergoing revision/rerwrite to make it conform to standards. There is also the inclusion of an older plugin - which had been missed (thanks @toe_head2001) Alpha Mask (aka Apply Alpha Mask) from @BoltBait's Plugin Pack.
    2 points
  16. Hello @MmmmMMMmMM The built-in line curve only has 4 control points, however the Shapemaker plugin here allows curves to be chained together and many other options too. It can be a steep learning curve but is well documented. My BeznCurve plugin is a simpler alternative with 6 control points. here
    2 points
  17. I pushed a faster version of Lavander Binary Map. Old one with using 11 (2048x2048) : 0.667 s New one with using 11 (2048x2048) : 0.057 s ~12x faster! It’s using lookup table now. That’s all the practical changes.
    2 points
  18. Your requested feature, I am sure, will never be added to paint.net: 1. The feature is very niche, whereas capabilities are added to paint.net on the basis that they will be useful to a wide range of people. 2. paint.net has no batch processing capabilities, so there would be considerable development to provide this. You are better off looking at IrfanView's Batch capabilities, assuming it can load the image format you use for sprites:
    2 points
  19. https://imgur.com/HADJeil
    2 points
  20. Long time no post here. First major re-engineering to one of my filter has been done. OOBS used to be there before, but now it has been rewritten. As it'll be for G'MIC 3.3.6, and we don't have that now, you can temporarily use it here as a debugging test - https://gist.github.com/Reptorian1125/fe5a16df550b258376c893cd0c8b039c And you can import .gmic sources via G'MIC plugin, so you can use it now before 3.3.6. Example result:
    2 points
  21. Hello @fov, I used the Diagonals line plugin to draw black lines. Nice image effect.
    2 points
  22. The Line/Curve Tool can already be used as an Eraser.
    2 points
  23. The RULES Also read the: Pictorium Guidelines before posting in The Pictorium Tutorial Posting Guidelines before publishing a tutorial Tutorial Replying Guidelines before replying to any tutorials You must read these rules, and you must abide by them. They are mandatory. The rules are not 'recommended reading'. They are important for keeping the forum organized, productive, and awesome. We reserve the right to lock posts, delete posts, remove avatars, edit signatures, and ban users for not following these rules, or for any other reason at our discretion. NOTE: All rules except #2 and #22 apply both in the main forum and in private messages. Report violations to a moderator. 0) This rules list is subject to revision and updates. We will try to be as fair as possible about it, however. I'll put the last revision date in the post title for convenience. 1) Before you ask for or about ANYTHING: 1. Read the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/399-frequently-asked-questions-faq/ 2. Search for your answer, http://searchpaint.net/. This URL links to a custom search engine and differs from the forum search function. The custom search is wider and returns more results - it is the preferred search tool. 3. Read the Popular Feature Requests posting. If it's already there, don't ask for it. Seriously. Don't. https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/2940-popular-feature-requests/ 4. Read the Help file, All basic Paint.NET question are answered here. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/ 2) Post in the correct section. For instance, the Plugins and Tutorials sections are STRICTLY reserved for PUBLISHING ONLY. Do NOT post questions in there. Your post will be deleted immediately. If you don't know where to post, you should probably be posting in the General forum. 3) DO NOT SHOUT. We can hear you just fine. Using all capitals is often interpreted as rude, so please don't. 4) You must make sense. Tiping lyk thz iz n0t kewl. 5) You only need one exclamation ! or question mark ? It's really obnoxious when people post like this: "How do I do this ??????????????????" or "That's awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" C'mon people. We get the point just as well if you only use 1 or 2. Thanks. 6) Thread titles must be descriptive and specific -- NOT generic. You need to use descriptive thread titles. The following are examples of thread titles that are NOT ALLOWED: "Help" "Please help" "I need help" "Can you help" "HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!" (if you post like this you WILL be banned) "Tutorial request" "Feature request" "Plugin request" "Looking for..." "Looking for a tutorial / feature / plugin" "Can Paint.NET do this" ('this' is completely ambiguous here) "I'm a newbie" "Hello" "I'm new" also, putting "HELP!" in any title is also not allowed, it's really quite obnoxious. We know you want help, that's why you're posting in the first place. etc.This pollutes the forum with generic threads and makes it impossible to navigate. Imagine if everyone posted with thread titles like this and we had pages full of "Help!!", "Please help", "Please I'm a newbie" or even "Hi" or "Pony" ... it would be stupid. Just like you should be doing with e-mail, write your subject line for the recipient, not the sender. Read here for more detailed info: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20070118-00/?p=28353 (btw, Raymond Chen's blog is excellent, and I recommend reading as much of it as you can!). Here's the important part: from now on, threads with generic titles will be locked and/or deleted. Without warning. This rules posting is your warning. Also, do not put something like this in your thread title: RICK READ THIS THREAD!!! That is extremely rude and annoying. 7) You must be using the latest version of Paint.NET, available here. This is a requirement. If you want to stay with an older version then that is your right, but we cannot help you. If you are unable to upgrade, then please post in the troubleshooting section. This is to avoid posts that go like this: If everyone has the latest version, we can skip all the rigamarole. Pre-release versions, such as alphas and betas, do not count as the "latest version" for this rule. 8) Do not ask for older versions of Paint.NET. This is a corollary to #7, but I'm spelling it out separately anyway. We will not provide download links for them -- you are on your own to find them (hint: try a search engine). Along with this, don't ask about Windows 2000 (or XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 8.1) support. Seriously. You may think you have some new question or insight, and that's definitely possible, but this is not something that will be added back in to a future release of Paint.NET. End of discussion. If you want to complain about this, then don't talk about it here -- just write on your blog or talk to your therapist or something instead, please. 9) Be courteous to others. Constructive criticism is generally welcome and encouraged. Starting fights and being rude is not. However, if your tutorial is really lame, don't be offended when we say as much (By the way, the moderators will generally and almost always follow this rule, but are not required to if circumstance warrants it -- which is at their own discretion.) 10) Do not private message other users with Paint.NET questions. That's what the forum is for! If you PM a moderator with a question like, "How do I crop or something?" then your message will probably just be ignored. Remember, this is a public help forum, meaning anyone should be able to see answers posted to questions; if someone else has the same problem as yours, but it was answered in a private message, they won't be able to find the answer. Also, if the person you've messaged doesn't know the answer, it ends up making your quest for knowledge that much longer. Just post on the boards and be patient, someone will answer your post eventually. 10a) Don't ask another user to email you the answer to a question. In addition to the reasons given above, we're not your personal help desk, and we don't have time to be. Please don't get offended; we're busy people with real world jobs (and this is not that job. For any of us). 11) Don't reply to very old threads. Also known as "reviving" or "resusitating" old/dead threads. Also called "necroposting" (eww). If there has been no discussion in a thread for, say, 3 months ... then it is dead. Do not reply to it -- pretend like it is locked. If you reply to it, then the thread will be immediately locked and your post may be deleted. Please just create a new thread if you have something to say about that subject. However, this rule does not apply to the Tutorials, Pictorium, Plugins, or Grand Theory of Everything sections of the forum. 12) Posting inappropriate images or using inappropriate words is a quick way to get yourself banned. Photographs of people, whether modified or unedited, should not be of a seductive or lecherous nature. "Erotic art" is not permitted. Remember, this is a family-friendly board. Let's keep it that way. If you want to show off that kind of art, then please get an account at Deviant Art. 13) Putting images in your signature is fine, however, annoying, blinking, or especially inappropriate images will be removed (also refer to #14, 15) 14) Avatar size requirements: They must not be wider than 120 pixels, nor taller than 160 pixels. 15) Signature size requirements: The combined size of all images in your signature must not be wider than 500px, nor taller than 150px. There is no specific limit as to the number of lines of text permitted in signatures, as we understand that text can render differently in different browsers, but if you have text in addition to an image of the maximum 150px height, please keep it down to two lines. Ideally, text and images in your signature should be around a 200px combined maximum height. 16) Don't try creating new "official" threads for things. For example, "post all plugin requests here!" If the moderators want to reorganize or officiate things, then we will -- that's our job, not yours. 17) Show off your work in the Pictorium. Don't create a new thread in other forums just to show off your artwork (this includes avatars and signatures). The place to show off is called The Pictorium... https://forums.getpaint.net/forum/16-the-pictorium/ . You may create one thread for your personal gallery there. 18) Do not use the Quote button, Code button, or Spoiler button in your signature. As you can imagine, the mods read TONS of posts. Including any of these features in your signature just slows us way down. 19) Don't ask to be a moderator. 20) Don't feed the trolls. If you notice someone is trolling the forum, don't respond to them. A mod will deal with them soon enough. This includes SPAM posts--don't respond to them. If you see a spam thread just ignore it or click the "Report" link on that thread and a mod will deal with it. 21) Don't create useless polls. Also, don't create polls in any forum except the Grand Theory of Everything forum - and even then we may delete them if they are useless. 22) All forum activity must be in ENGLISH. Except in the Localization section. This includes posts as well as signatures. However, you can use whatever language you want when sending private messages to other forum members. 23) ADVERTISING and SOLICITING are strictly prohibited. This is NOT a place to find artists or developers, either for hire or for volunteer/free. This is NOT the place to advertise your product, company, or community. If you want, you may include a few links in your signature as long as they are small and unobtrusive. See Ash's signature for an example of what is tasteful and acceptable: https://www.getpaint.net/misc/ash_sig.png 24) Do not swear. This includes "ASCII Swearing" where letters are replaced by symbols/numbers in an attempt to get around the autocensor. 25) Do not 'bump' your own thread unless it has received 0 replies and it has been 24 hours since you posted it. You may not bump a thread more than once. ('Bumping' refers to posting simply to get your post moved to the top of the list -- "Is anyone listening?", "I really need some help here!", "Can't anyone help me?", "Help!", "bump", "up", etc.) When bumping your thread, it may be wise to edit the original post to give more details as the usual reason no one responds to a post is because it is too confusing. 25a) Do not "sneaky-bump." Sneaky-bumping is deleting your post and reposting the same message. This is harder for the moderators to notice (hence "sneaky"). Breaking rules out of ignorance is forgivable -- not even the moderators have all the rules memorized! But sneak-bumping is actively attempting to circumvent the rules. It's morally equivalent to spitting in the moderators' faces, and we don't like that. 26) Never 'bump' someone else's thread. 27) Do not "bite" newcomers / newbies. See here for more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:BITE This also applies to established members. If you want to be rude, do it on another message board. We have no use for it here. "Constructive Criticism" is fine when a user posts in a thread made for that purpose ("rate" threads and the Pictorium), but be helpful. Being rude just to be rude will earn you a warning. 28) No "warez" discussion. Encouraging or aiding in illegal download of software, music, videos, etc. is against forum rules. Hundreds of people work for thousands of hours to program that software, and they deserve to be paid. That's why even discussing warez is against forum rules. You may not encourage others to do it, or tell them how to do so, either by private message or open forum post. Your post will be edited or locked, and you may be banned. If you are running a pirated copy of Windows or whatever, then just keep that fact to yourself. 29) Don't post huge images. Not everyone has an internet connection as fast as yours or a monitor as large, so don't make their pages take 10 minutes to load and don't make them scroll sideways. Keep images no larger than 800 pixels tall or wide. Rule #29 is considered unnecessary. We do recommend users post clickable thumbnails and/or links to externally hosted larger versions of images because the Forum has a modest attachment limit (a total of 10MB per user). 30) Don't post phone numbers. This is to save you from getting robocalls. *) Spam. Any spam posts will be deleted as soon as they are discovered by a moderator. The user will be banned, as will their e-mail and IP address. Depending on the e-mail and IP, their subnet and e-mail domain may also be banned. If you are banned by accident, then please contact a moderator for assistance. (Change Log: September 2nd, 2008 - Rule 28, "no warez talk," re-added. Don't know where it went in the first place... September 3rd, 2008 - Rule 18, spoiler tag now prohibited in signatures, also. June 1st, 2009 - Rule 18, 'hide' tag now prohibited in signatures. August 1st, 2009 - Minor revisions. August 11th, 2009 - Consider all rules for PMs, also. March 15, 2010 - Rule 25a, "no sneaky-bumping" added by pyrochild. April 7, 2010 - Links updated for new forum December 31, 2010 - Minor revisions. December 21, 2013 - Fleshed out rule 10, added 10a, moved post title portion of rule 10 to be part of rule 6. -d.a ) July 8, 2014 - Updated Rule 8 for Paint.NET 4 Dec 6, 2015 - Added to description regarding searching - EER April 14, 2023 - Struck out rule #29 and added off-site hosting note - EER
    2 points
  24. Doesn't seem like it 👇
    1 point
  25. That is not a DDS file, it seems to be encrypted or some other format entirely.
    1 point
  26. At last I used the Magic Wand-tool on the flower wreath. And succeeded. /hans peter
    1 point
  27. This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it Hi, fellow PDN users! I've had two requests to make a tutorial on this subject after I posted some pics in my art gallery. This is for TR (TechnoRobbo) and Max (Maximilian) and everyone interested in an opalescent stained glass effect. And a special 'shout-out' to Seerose because I'm using a Water Lily or Lotus flower for this tut. I've attached the shape below. Plugins required: Align Object pyrochild's Gradient Bars gaussian-blur-clamped-v20-by toe_head2001 AA's Assistant BoltBait's Bevel Selection Metallize MJW's-edge-expander Optional: pyrochild's Outline Object Water Lily Shape.zip This file goes into your 'Shapes' folder under Program Files, paint.net Here's the end result we are striving for: Create your outline using color 255,195,0 at about 6px wide. Align object. Duplicate layer, making the bottom layer black (turn lightness down to -100 via Hue/Sat). Turn off top gold layer and work with the black layer. Select the colors you are going to work with (I’m starting with the petals…I used P-255,73,119 S-255,255,255). 1. Magic Wand, tolerance 69-70%, select one of the petals 2. Create a new layer directly above 3. Effects—Render—Gradient Bars (play with all the settings until you get something you like) 4. Effects—Blurs—Gaussian Blur (clamped) at a radius of your choice 5. AA’s Assistant at default Repeat these 5 steps on all flower petals. You should have 15 layers. Do the lily pad next, repeating the above 5 steps with green shades of your choosing…I used P-47,168,37 S-167,229,165 Do the water next, repeating the above 5 steps with blue shades of your choosing…I used P-0,140,220 S-94,244,255 for the lighter blue areas and P-3,19,115 S-56,243,255 for the darker blue areas. Now for the ‘leading’. Turn off the bottom black layer and go to the gold layer at top. Do (1) AA’s Assistant. Magic Wand, global at 50%, then Invert Selection. Adjustments—Black and White Effects—Selection—Bevel Selection at 3, Strength .70, Highlight Color – 127,127,127 Shadow Color – 0,0,0 Color—Metallize, Angle of Start – 160, Type 1, Gray Scale checked. Do (1) AA’s Assistant and turn lightness down to -30 via Hue/Sat Merge all 'glass' layers down to one underneath the finished 'leading' layer. Select the 'glass' layer. Effects--Object--Edge Expander (I used a Maximum Distance of 3, and everything else at default) The Edge Expander works beautifully and saves a ton of steps! ((You can still 'Outline Object' every individual 'glass' layer, if you choose (in lieu of Edge Expander), so I left pyro's plugin in the tut as optional.)) Merge all layers down and you are done! This gives the result above with a silvery lead solder. ***If you want gold ‘leading’, Metallize at about 316, Type 2, uncheck Gray Scale. You can now delete bottom black outline layer. ***If you want a dark patina finish, follow the gold frame instructions, then duplicate the layer. On bottom outline layer apply a Lightness adjustment of (-50) via Hue/Sat. On top outline layer, apply a Lightness adjustment of (-30) via Hue/Sat and set layer blend mode to Multiply. Examples of gold and dark patina finish can be found here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/45133-lynxster4s-art-gallery-updated-3416-new-pics/?p=513127 Keep in mind that this is only one type of ‘stained glass’. There are many other types which I am exploring. You can't really do this 'wrong'. Opalescent glass has so many color variations to it...this is just how I choose to do it, trying to keep it as simple as possible. I hope you enjoy this tutorial and have fun making ‘stained glass’!! I'm looking forward to seeing your results! *Revised the tutorial to include MJW's Edge Expander plugin to solve the 'gap' problem in fewer steps. **Revised 3/12/16 to include MJW's steps to keep layers down to the minimum. I have added this as an alternate method to construct any stained glass picture. I tried it and it works very nicely! All colors are on one layer. I did this in 20 minutes: Thanks so much MJW! This is much appreciated and should cut down significantly on PDN crashes. There's always a better way to do things. I hope you don't mind that I attached this to the tutorial.
    1 point
  28. Found in Effects > Text Formations NOTE: Please see here for the Optional Based Library download required to run the Circular Text Plugin: IMPORTANT: The newer version of this Plugin requires that Optional Based Libraries be in the Effects Folder - not the app folder (Program Files\Paint.net) The UI: Standard tab Options tab Download
    1 point
  29. I just installed Win11 and came across your FANTASTIC program and its so much better then the plain Windows paint program. I cant afford PS and Gimp is a bit hard and i have only been using yours for a few days but i really like it except for one thing the others have said, i wish the tool bar icons were much larger! Windows scaling does not work in the program, my eyes arent what they once were so im litterally removing my glasses and putting my head less than a foot away from the screen to see all the icons. I know so many others would agreeing in saying PLEASE MAKE THE ICONS BIGGER! i want to make a donation but not sure if im able to continue using this program just because its so hard to read. Thank you for your time and consideration! Kevin in South Dakota
    1 point
  30. That's a good approach but you could save a step by doing the drawing on the transparent background layer. Starting with a new image: 1. Ctrl+A to Select All 2. Delete to Erase Selection; this gives you a transparent background layer 3. Draw your circle 4. Save as PNG
    1 point
  31. Never used this plugin before - downloaded it, installed it into Effects, no plugin errors, and - hey, it works! Brian
    1 point
  32. You can modify the selection with the Move Selection tool. https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/MoveTools.html#5
    1 point
  33. Based on the text in that image, it looks like those files may be some kind of 3D rendering configuration for the model. But I don't know for sure.
    1 point
  34. Welcome to the forum @fov. If you go to the Plugin Index and search for Stripes you will find some possibilities. Assuming that your original image is simply a white line drawing on a black background, then it looks as though the Interlace plugin may do what you want.
    1 point
  35. Since quite a lot of people nowadays appear to be unaware that they can use Alt + letter keyboard shortcuts for navigating Windows application menus and controls in dialogs, here's a reminder... When Alt is pressed, the shortcut letter associated with the menu or control is underlined. For example Alt + L H is the shortcut for Layers -> Flip Horizontal And on the Resize dialog, as @Rick Brewster says, the shortcut Alt + B will jump to By percentage (and then back to By absolute size if it is pressed again).
    1 point
  36. If you have a library of components as images, TileWorld might be useful.
    1 point
  37. It does remember the last resampling mode. The other settings are not remembered. Highly recommend getting acquainted with the keyboard shortcuts! Alt+B will jump you to resize by %, for instance. So resizing by 50% is always the sequence: Ctrl + R (Image -> Resize) Alt+B 50 Enter You can also automate this with something like AutoHotKey
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. You can change the language in the paint.net Settings.
    1 point
  40. You simply need to install the latest Nvidia driver.
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Are you running the Classic (free) version of Paint.NET or are you running the Store (paid) version? Installing plugins is different based on which version you are running. Read this: https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html
    1 point
  43. Everyone is new at some point - but please do read the Forum Rules, which are linked at the top and bottom of every page, before posting again. Thanks.
    1 point
  44. Version 2.1! Just a little clean up of the UI... Added a few more controls to change colors and other options. My son really finds this helpful in his Geometry class. Often, problems will be something like, "You have a triangle with points A(-5,0) B(2,6) and C(6,-2)..." etc. This gives him a quick way to create his drawing for working the problem. This is why I wrote this plugin. Another use for this plugin is to make simple dot-to-dot puzzles for children. Here's one I made: Anyway, NOW I'm done tinkering with this! BBGraphPaper.zip Enjoy.
    1 point
  45. I know I'm ages late to the party, but is it possible to do this with two colors? I want to have striped lines like the vanilla feature.
    1 point
  46. Hey Everyone, I made this Paint.net plugin for saving and loading *.ico files. All source code is released along with a first release. https://github.com/KyleTTucker/Paint.net-Icon-Creator/releases/tag/IconCreator1.0 Happy designing! Cheers, Kyle
    1 point
  47. All of the normal Forum Rules apply, plus: Pictorium Guidelines Follow these rules to help keep everything running smoothly. Your attention, if you please. Guidelines for Posting Images: - Images in this forum must be created or edited in Paint.NET. This is paramount; we are a Paint.NET forum, not a GIMP or Photoshop forum. Images may be edited using another program, but the main portion must have been done to them in Paint.NET. - All images must be hosted offsite. No uploads, please. We recommend Imgur or Postimages. - Preview images must be no larger than 800 x 800 pixels. You are welcome to link to a larger image if you like. - Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. No exceptions. If you claim to have created an image, and we discover that it was not yours, the image will be removed immediately and you will likely be banned on the spot. This does not mean that you cannot use stock images or source images, but you need to be careful not to represent someone else's work as your own. - Posting links to your source images is recommended; that way we'll be able to see how 1337 you really are. - By posting your images in the Pictorium, you give permission for your work to be displayed in The Galleria (assuming, of course, that someone nominates your image and it is accepted). - Do not post pictures on other people's threads. That's rude. If you want to post a picture on a thread other than your own, post it in one of the umbrella threads. Guidelines for Commenting: - Utilize constructive criticism. Being mean is not welcome or tolerated. - Try for criticism that's more helpful than "looks good" - say why. Say what works, say what can be improved. It'll make everyone's skills better (including yours)! - By the same token, keep the rules in mind. They will be enforced here just as much as anywhere else. - Do not post pictures on other people's threads. That's rude. If you want to post a picture on a thread other than your own, post it in one of the umbrella threads. Personal Thread Galleries - You may create one thread in this forum for display of your artwork. Subsequent threads will be deleted. - To that end, the "necroposting" rule is suspended in this forum... - ...however, the "bumping" rule is not. (See the rules if you're confused by this) - Anyone may post in a personal gallery; but when replying, please do not quote the image itself. Keep this in mind when you post, and we'll all be happier!
    1 point
  48. A note to all users: Since some people haven't been paying attention to the rules (you know who you are ;-) ), and attaching images to their post rather than hosting them elsewhere, BoltBait has deleted all attachments from the Pictorium. Please check your gallery and make sure that you haven't had any attachments there; if you did, upload them elsewhere. We don't have a whole lot of storage space, so we need to leave it for things like troubleshooting screenshots and such. Thanks for your help!
    1 point
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