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pyrochild plugins (2020-11-21)


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I wonder if the latest plugins are compatible with the current beta version?

I had so many plugins causing Paint.net to hang that I uninstalled the beta and found that the new plugins work.

I don't have the beta version downloaded yet but knowing pyrochild they most likely are. He is one of our most responsible plug in writers.

If you run into some problems it might be because you still hold his old common effects dll in along with the new one. remember he updates that when new plugins are added or tweeked as required. so always check you have the most current in with the effects.

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You're not very good at the whole 'searching' business, are you, SparK'?

If you had taken 30 seconds to use search (search.php) as I had earlier suggested, you would have found the two plugins you seek here:

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=23885&. With further thought, the topic you look for is only a few down from this one.

You also posted in the wrong topic suggesting (hoping) you're not that familiar with forums, which is the reason I've conceded and given you the link directly.

Post remaining to save confusion and possible repost of the same question by SparK'

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Hope my question/problem doesn't sound stupid. A few days ago, I DL'ed this pyrochild plugins package, and generally, I'm very happy with the new possibilities it offers. (Great job, thanks!)

However I can't find the Smudge plugin - I looked into all places where it might hide ... no smudge. The extracted zip doesn't show any "smudge" file, within the effects folder, there is no "smudge.dll" and in the effects menu in the program I don't see it either.

Has it been taken off from the DL package? :cry:

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Thanks BoltBait - Kat is just the abbrevation for Katharina! :D

Oh, PS. I just followed your link - that's where I came from, and in there, if I click on DL, I am redirected here into this thread with the whole package (which I've got already).

:?: :idea:

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oooooh, you're getting me on the wrong leg ... If I understand you correctly, I downloaded (and installed) the wrong package altogether? That means I would have to DL it again, but better first get rid of all the pyrochild effects in my PDN program effects folder, right?

Thinking twice about what you said, I remember that I got all the plugin packs and after that switched to the beta version, and then again, updated to the new version of PDN. Could something have gotten lost in this process? (Not very probably so, hm?)

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Thanks, I try that and let you know. :D

Edit: I don't even have to wait this long! Just had a look into my win explorer and the zip pack in there says: 2008-04-27 ... so here we go.

Thanks for your help!! :mrgreen:

Edit #2: Yesssssss! Now there it is! yippiiiiieehhh! :)

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:( drat that sucks, oh well

Why does that suck? A new plugin's a new plugin, regardless of who made it.

Sorry for spillin' the beans, BoltBait. Wasn't on purpose, just forgot to censor the screenshot. Heh.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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