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Where do screenshots go after I press the prt sc button?

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I'm kind of confused, because I press Print Screen... but where does it go? I want to know, mainly because its all curiosity pushing these questions around me head.

It goes into your clipboard, so you have to paste it. Hope I helped you :).


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Back in the early days of desktop PCs the Prt Sc (or Print Screen - depending upon your keyboard) did precisely that, it would send the image directly to your printer. These days it holds the image in a memory location. So when you take a screenshot, the method of retrieving it is to paste your image into your application (Ctrl + V key combination).

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I should caution you that if before you paste your screenshot to your application, if by chance you copy a line of text for example (highlighting text and pressing the Ctrl + C key combination) from something, it too goes to the clipboard and will essentially erase/overwrite the screenshot. So ensure that you paste the image before copying anything else.

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If you're using a dual monitor setup, the Print Screen key will cleverly capture the contents of both screens and copy it to the clipboard.

If you have multiple windows open, using Alt + Print Screen captures just the contents of the window that currently is active.

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If you're using a dual monitor setup, the Print Screen key will cleverly capture the contents of both screens and copy it to the clipboard.

If you have multiple windows open, using Alt + Print Screen captures just the contents of the window that currently is active.

Now it's my turn to give a response like doughty's! Thanks for the info! :D

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