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Dramatic Fire Text


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This is a tutorial on how to make dramatic fire text like this:



1] Start with a black background and another layer with orange text saying whatever you want. I recommend using a classical like font because it works better with them. [it could be any color just orange looks the best.]



2] Magic wand select the text with global on, and at 69% -ish tolerance. Then with orange as primary and brown as secondary do a linear gradient like this:



3] Then duplicate that layer twice so that there are three of them like this:



4] On the "Small" Layer use a Gaussian Blur to about 10 radius:



5] On the "Large" Layer use a Gaussian Blur to about 80 radius:



6] Merge all of the text layers down to one like this:



7] On a new layer above the text layer, render a black and white clouds.



Then set that clouds layer to "Color Dodge"



8] Merge all of those layers to one and You Did It!!

You can also set the layer properties to make the text look different:

It looks cool with: Color Burn, Additive, Reflect, Glow, Difference, Lighten, and Screen

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dumb question. When you say "merge" the layers, do you mean flatten?


Edit: Nevermind, I know what merge means now, but at the end I merged them all and still saw the black/white clouds, so I clicked undo and instead of merge as the last step, I did "flatten" and it didnt show the black/white clouds.

Edited by TwentyMonkeys
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'Flatten' refers to combining all the layers into one single layer. 'Merge' is the combining of one layer into the layer immediately below it.

Layers carry some of their setting with them (blend mode and opacity), so the order in which you merge is sometimes important. Generally to preserve the image as you see it, merge layers from the bottom of the list first. Take this setup:




Layer 2 has opacity of 128 and a blend mode of Multiply. You get two different results if you a top-down merge (layers 3 & 2, then 'Background') compared with a bottom-up merge of layers 2 & 'Background', then 3. It is the latter combination that preserves the image as it appears on the screen.

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(how can i upload it, it's not working?)

The best way to post a picture is to create an imageshack or photobucket account and upload your picture to that site. Then copy and paste the image thumb link into a post here.

Find out more here.


Wait! No matter where you go, there you are!

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Nice outcome. Bit jaggy in places which could be overcome by using AA Assistant, Feather or Gaussian Blur. I like to use 4 times the finish size, Gaussian Blur & then reduce the final image which gives a smooth result. You can get these plugins form the relevant plugin section on this forum if you don't already have them.

I love the concept & the colours. Very nice indeed.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice outcome. Bit jaggy in places which could be overcome by using AA Assistant, Feather or Gaussian Blur. I like to use 4 times the finish size, Gaussian Blur & then reduce the final image which gives a smooth result. You can get these plugins form the relevant plugin section on this forum if you don't already have them.

I love the concept & the colours. Very nice indeed.

Wow! Thank you, im very new to all these features on paint.net!

That means a lot to me!

I guess i can down size my picture :P

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I'm a bit thick today

1) My first layer has the black background

2) My second has the orange Fire text

so far that works fine for me

The next step has the text changed to a gradient colour

However, when I create the gradient it takes up the whole page

How do I apply that gradient to the text? Do I apply it on the second layer, or create another layer, I just need to know how

to apply it

Edited by rowen77
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