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How do I make a background transparent?

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I am trying to place a Logo on a marketing piece - need to make background transparent so it will not cover up picture/ other text, etc. How can I make just the background transparent and let the text be visible. I am fairly new to Paint.net. Please make your responses as basic as possible as I may not understand some of the more advanced "lingo"


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The best way to do this will vary depending on the image that you are working with.

If you can post the actual image, it will help towards getting the best suggestions.

Usually, for this type of thing I will use the Grim Color Reaper plugin effect.

Alpha Mask is also commonly used.

Clicking on the logo's background while holding down the Shift key,

then pressing the Delete key works. It usually gives an inferior result, though.

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I am trying to place a Logo on a marketing piece - need to make background transparent so it will not cover up picture/ other text, etc. How can I make just the background transparent and let the text be visible. I am fairly new to Paint.net. Please make your responses as basic as possible as I may not understand some of the more advanced "lingo"


I am not sure if this is the reply place or not.. I hit reply and it took me here. I did attach a photo before, but it did not come through.. Not sure why. I will try again. The answer looks like hyou are NOT using paint.net, is that correct? DO I download, etc? Please make as basic as possible..


I am not sure if this is the reply place or not.. I hit reply and it took me here. I did attach a photo before, but it did not come through.. Not sure why. I will try again. The answer looks like hyou are NOT using paint.net, is that correct? DO I download, etc? Please make as basic as possible..


Replied 2 places and I think the attachmetn is on the original now..

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