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Pixel Competition #6 Discussion - Entry Period has Begun!


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So, welcome to the discussion thread for Pixel Competition #3! Here, we'll all discuss important matters (yeah, right) and other such things. I will also look for your feedback on certain matters, to help improve the competition.

One thing I should first like to ask is this; what are people's opinions on how the next theme should be decided if the competition ends in a tie? I have a system thought up to help determine the theme, but it's a work in progress.

Edited by Rubrica
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Line tool OK?

Paintbucket OK?

Can you put a link to the competition thread in the first post?

Why no cheating? :)

In fact, what is cheating?

Opinions on what is acceptable vary among pixel artists.

This needs to be clarified in the Rules.

Edited by Sarkut
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One advice

Don't use the color picker. If you try to mimic the anit-aliased way photos are displayed when looked at with a high zoom.. trust me, it'll turn out very VERY horrible. The teeth looked like she chewed through something very old and rotten I_I

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I was wondering... what would people say were I to propose that I create a pixel art tutorial. I don't think we have a comprehensive one yet; there are specific ones, and ones that were never quite finished, so I want to create on once and for all.

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Some tips for starters:

Don't use outlines. You may if you want to achieve a different style, but it doesn't work well most of the times.

You can use outlines if they are in a slightly darker color then the object they're outlining and not black.

Don't try to get too detailed. If you're working with high zoom like I do (800% - 1200%), you tend to try to work stuff in the picture you won't see at a normal view. Stay simple!

Gradients are easy to make! Just alter the values in the color menue until you have reached the desired dark- or lightness.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm finding that what the problem is is that people seem to be good at some things and very bad at others. I have a plan, so don't worry.

Also, I'm extending the duration f competitions to three weeks in the future so that we get quality work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oops, left this for a while, eh? I do, however I do not intend on continually bumping the thread, and so the competition will close when we receive one or two more entries - otherwise it's not really much of a competition. However, after this comp, I think I may discontinue the competition, as no-one is really displaying any interest.

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  • 1 month later...

I was making an entry, but didn't have time to finish before the deadline...thought the comp was over. I'll whip something up sometime soon, hopefully ^^

EDIT: entry submitted.

Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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  • 2 weeks later...

um...when does voting end? it appears we have a few people (me included) waiting for the next pixel art competition...

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Oops, left this for a while, eh? I do, however I do not intend on continually bumping the thread, and so the competition will close when we receive one or two more entries - otherwise it's not really much of a competition. However, after this comp, I think I may discontinue the competition, as no-one is really displaying any interest.

I have interest, I just can't seem to do it. I can't seem to work that small with a mouse. I do always check in to see who made what. I think it's really neat how you guys do this kind of artwork.

I do have to admit, I am a little confused by the voting method. Why not have a poll and make it a little more organized. Why not send out a few PMs to some of the people who have posted pixel art in the Galleria and see if you can encourage them to enter. I think you should give it another try. Maybe you could design some awards for your comp or some of the others?


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

To visit the Comps click HERE

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