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Plugin Index

Message added by Ego Eram Reputo

The definitive and free resource for locating plugins. Updated monthly.

Written and maintained by SodiumEnglish and Ego Eram Reputo

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It would indeed be against the rules. Links must be to the plugin thread on the forum, so that the author can maintain control.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I see a lot of talk along the lines of...."someone should do this", "Wouldn't it be great if you guys could do that".

Unless you're willing to:

1. Approach every plugin author (and some of them don't frequent this forum any more) and gain their express approval to bundle their software.


2. Bundle, maintain and track every new release and update of every plugin.

Then I suggest you consider this conversation closed. Yes it takes a few clicks to download the major plugin packs - that's a small price to pay for the astonishing (free) effects - and you're assured of getting the very latest release with the authors blessing.

Would you really want a single Zip file with all 300+ plugins? You're not really going to install all of them are you?

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Agreed. Its not very useful, and even if I were to do it there would only be a few people who ever use it.

However, just for the record, it wouldnt be all that hard to do all those things, your list follows a singular format, so writing a program to extract all the authors names wouldnt be hard at all.

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March Update:

9 new plugins, 3 new authors, 2 plugins depreciated, and one updated.

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I am looking for a reflection plugin that is not a water effect one. Can someone point me to one. I had a look at the list on the front page and only saw the one water reflection one.

The flat reflection plugin does not work either as I want to create a reflection for an object on a diagonal.


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I believe you want Mirror Over Line which is part of Evan's Effects

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  • 1 month later...


The links in your post for all the plugins go back to the old paintdotnet website. Will you be updating this anytime soon?

Yes I will.

Give me a few days to see if we can figure out a way to automate the update. I honestly don't want to do it manually.

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The Plugin Index has been updated with all new links to this forum!

Note that some URL's in the Plugin descriptions are not functioning correctly just yet. I will get these fixed in the next scheduled update (1st May).

I am also aware that a handful of plugins are incomplete. These too will be fixed on the next release.

The main (colored) links to all Plugins and Authors should be working. If you find one that is not working properly please let me know.

Many thanks to Pyrochild for his help in updating the links! He deserves one of these...:bmw:

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Another update posted today - 18th April 2010.

This one is mostly cosmetic (coloring of plugins & authors) as well as a handful of resolved links.

All the plugin packs have had their plugins & effects updated.

All links should be operational. Please let me know if you find any that do not work.

Thanks to a tip from Simon Brown, the list is condensed and thus faster to download (OK it's a marginal improvement ;)).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great! I use it all the time! (It's really amazing how fast you updated it!)

By the way, the anti-alias 1.5 leads to another plugin of jsonchiu's (bevel plugin).

Edited by himself22

"The truth is just an excuse for having a lack of imagination."

Photobucket sucks!
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Good catch - thank you (fixed).

Updated 1st May :Plugins:

Links to user "Tim!" refuse to work with the "member=" format I'm using. I suspect that this is because of the exclaimation mark in the username. I'll investigate this for the next revision.

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Thanks for organizing the redirection Pyrochild :bmw:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes absolutely.

These plugins will only work with Paint.Net. For installation "how to" and tips read this thread:

HOW TO INSTALL PLUGINS/General Plugin Troubleshooting Thread ...

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New revision for June 2010.

Ed Harvey has a handful of new effects for us to play with! Very cool B)

I deleted a number of duplicate posts from the first page of this thread so it should download a little faster now :D

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Just wanted to take my time and tell you how much of a humongous help this is to me when looking for a plugin, I think it has saved me hours of scouring pages and pages of the Plugin forum. Thanks so much.

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@csm725 & Weylin: You guys are making me blush! Glad you're making good use of the list.

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