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The Bliss Parody Gallery


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Okay, I want to start a little gallery of spoofs of the default background of Windows XP, bliss. (I have nothing against Windows or Microsoft, I love them. It's just that Bliss is so easy to minipulate, that it is fun .)

Actually, I haven't even started mine yet, but I have some good ideas. Obviously, you can find Bliss in a Google Image Search, if you don't mind borrowing them from some unknown person.

This isn't intended to be a contest, so please, no harsh compitition, let's have good attitudes. :D


If this turns out well, maybe we can do this agian!


Edit: I'm kind of new to Paint.Net, so I don't expect mine to compare well with others. I just thought this is a goo idea! Remeber, this isn't a contest!


Sig edited by Rick: Picture is way too big. Please fix.

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Firstly, a way to access it on your system:

(This works with winRar, I know...)

Copy C:\WINDOWS\I386\bliss.jp_ to a different directory (like your desktop).

Rename BLISS.JP_ to BLISS.gz.

Now open the zip with winrar, and you should see "Bliss.jpg" inside. Copy this to a safe directory, and edit!

And as an edit, my parody:blisswmasterchiefks2.jpg

See the resemblance? (View Halo 3 trailer if you have no idea...)

EDIT: The format looks now like gzip; I edited above accordingly.


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Firstly, a way to access it on your system:

(This works with winRar, I know...)

Copy C:\WINDOWS\I386\bliss.jp_ to a different directory (like your desktop).


Now open the zip with winrar, and you should see "Bliss.jpg" inside. Copy this to a safe directory, and edit!

And as an edit, my parody:http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2392/blisswmasterchiefks2.jpg

See the resemblance? (View Halo 3 trailer if you have no idea...)

Another way, you can just go to C:\WINDOWS\Web\Wallpaper\Bliss.jpg and copy it to a new directory. I think that's a little easier.

Edit: Also, nice parody. None of the edges are aliased. I want to make one, but I don't have any ideas on how to edit it.


I built my first computer at age 11!

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