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3D Glow style text/Space age text


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This tutorial will teach you how to create an embossed glowing style text effect:

This is what you will end up with if you follow my tut correctly:


Looks good? Interested? Well lets begin:

But... First you will need the following things:


The drop shadow plugin

First start off with a simple dark background, and add a new layer - call it text, then add your desired text in black colour.


Duplicate the text layer ( )(naming the duplicate text2) Then select the colour replacer tool (standard settings + large brush, 90 or so) with Primary colour White, Secondary Black. This will look like this:


Gaussian Blur Text2 by 7PX, this will give an embossed feel. Then duplicate Text2 to intensify the white. Name the Duplicate layer Text_colour.


Recolour Text_colour with your colour. Then Gaussian Blur Text_colour by 6PX. Use Circular Gradient with transparency mode ON, and drag from centre of text towards the outside.

--Someone PM'ed me asking where it was so here it is:--


Should now look like this:


Merge Text_colour and Text2, and merge it down again So you have now 1 Text layer. Duplicate layer and merge down (X2) This will make the text glow.


Duplicate Text layer (call it blur) and motion blur at 152.10, centred, 200. And again at 25, centred, 200. Make sure that text is ontop of blur!


bullet.png Nearly there! Add new layer (ontop) and call it Line. Then draw a line 2-3PX underneath your text. Gaussian Blur the ends, and black drop shadow on the line layer at 7,7,1,4. Done!


Oh - background, yes, I did change it several times in the tut, this was to show you certain elements of it better, you can just keep it all the way through.

Hope you enjoyed this tut - I will happily answer any Q's!


Some people have asked some questions about my tutorial, to clarify them once and for all, I'll post the answers here:

1. PX is the amount you blur the text by (in Gaussian blur) just slide it across (or type in the box) to the amount you want.

2. People who have had problems with the text recolouring I have made a video (I have tried to get across what I meant but it is a bit hard lol)

Video url: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=K-j5KwG_SbQ

End results from the video:




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mini-me-xox -

We perform all troubleshooting here, to be a help to others who might have the same problem.

Anyway, I don't see what's wrong with it. Can you explain what you were going for?


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not trying to bump my topic, but a guy called Atso contacted me via sky-drive with this message:

Hi, I was wondering a thing... I tried to work on your tutorial, because it looks very nice. I dled the needed plugins. But I failed at the first part :D.

You say "Duplicate the text layer ( )(naming the duplicate text2) Then select the colour replacer tool (standard settings + large brush, 90 or so) with Primary colour White, Secondary Balck. This will look like this:"

I can't seem to find this colour replacer tool... Do I need to get it separate? Im running with pdn version 3.35


Now normally I wouldn't post this for the sake of posting it, but he has set his account so that it cannot recieve any messages, so I hope you can get your answer here!

Strictly speaking the Colour Replacer isn't realy called that, its called Recolour, 8th down on the right of the tools window.

Hope this answers your question, St.Jim

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something keeps going wrong when i try to do it, evrything work's fine until i get up to the bit where you start the gradient thing.

i'm following the instructions perefectly but still i go wrong...please help lol

“We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell”

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Something keeps going wrong when i try to do it, evrything work's fine until i get up to the bit where you start the gradient thing.

i'm following the instructions perefectly but still i go wrong...please help lol

Okay, sorry but can you provide some screenshots of whats gone wrong (i.e. before you have done the gradient and after) thx

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  • 2 weeks later...

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