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Make an Animated .GIF with Paint.NET


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how do i put an image into speech like an animation 1 and same for signiture

[imgflt=]C:\Documents and Settings\Jayden Traynor\My Documents\My Pictures\CRONOS ANIMATION 555.gif[/imgflt]

DoNt PlAy ChIcKeN WiTh ThE BuLlEt LeT ThE BuLlEt PlAy ChIcKeN WiTh U

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how do i put an image into speech like an animation 1 and same for signiture

[imgflt=]C:\Documents and Settings\Jayden Traynor\My Documents\My Pictures\CRONOS ANIMATION 555.gif[/imgflt]

it didnt work

DoNt PlAy ChIcKeN WiTh ThE BuLlEt LeT ThE BuLlEt PlAy ChIcKeN WiTh U

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Question: This is a rather n00bish question, but how do I initialize the align object effect? >_> Is it a plugin? Because I can't find it, and I've needed it several times now.




"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin, The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes

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K_I_N_G- I think the concept is awesome! =D A tip: Try to make it look like the green streams are in a constant downward motion. Otherwise, it'll look like they're jumping up and down. This can be achieved by making all the streams come in full contact with the top and bottom of the picture. Unless there was a specific reason you didn't do that. =P

Haseo- I like that one too! =D Although, the boarder shine lines are a little glaring. Try putting a white rectangle outline on top of the picture (on a seperate layer), selecting half of the picture (corner to corner, not vertically) with the lasso, then using the gradient tool to make the shine lines less pronounced. It's in the Glossy Button tut. ;)




"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin, The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes

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Hello. :)

I was wondering how you would use a spritesheet to make a gif. Would you have to use the magic wand and select all the different images?

Nice animations btw, xelsor.

Edit: Nevermind, I figured out how by googling. :P

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i did the second and the last with paint.net... there are only a few images. and then it is easy if u save every new frame/pictrue as a new gif.

for the first, i took paint (not paint.net)

because... oh i cant explain it. the problem is, if you try to move a selectet area, it doesnt work.

the selected area distort/deform.

and in paint you can select an area and move it a pixel to the right or to the left, and save it.


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fredsburgers- (I'm assuming you're talking to the tut author) What you have to do is create each frame individually on PDN. (ie, the picture moves a little bit in each pic you make) Then, when you have all the frames you need, use the unfreeze program he linked to to mesh them all together into an GIF animation. ;) Hope that helped.




"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin, The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes

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A good idea is to save all the images you'll use as frames in one folder or on your desktop, because you place them in the unfreeze box by dragging and dropping them into it in the desired order. ;) Sorry I didn't understand your previous question.




"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin, The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes

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