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Color and Black and White - The Pleasantville Effect


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This is a very easy effect,

I'm new this is my first post, I'm sorry if this is too simple of a tutorial. I'm sorry if this has already been posted

1. Start By Choosing an image
I did a Google search and found this flower and since i like flowers and they are easy to test on i choose it.
Sorry of the large size.

2. Choose the Magic wand tool :MagicWandTool:

3. I usually turn the tolerance down a bit, 50% Will select too much on most images (I used 27% for the flower)

4. Select all of the area of the image that you want to stay color

5. Copy that area and paste it into a new layer called color layer :LayersAddNewLayer:

6. Deselect the selection with Ctrl+D :EditDeselect:

7. now choose the background layer :WindowLayers:

8. Then Go to Adjustments and click black and white :BlackAndWhite:

9. You will now notice only the color layer has color(obvious)

10. Now merge the two layers. :LayersMergeLayerDown:

11. I usually use the curves tool and edit the luminosity after merging the images to make the image seem more realistic. I usually also add glow to add vibrance to the image. :CurvesEffect:

12. You should be done and should have a result like mine



Hope you all like this tutorial.


Edited by toe_head2001
Fixed broken images.
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The Magic Wand select an area related to the color of the pixel (the "point") on which you click.

Imagine you've a panoramic view with sky, grass, like the default windows wallpaper (named bliss).

If you want to select the grass for example you click somewhere in it and the magic wand say to itself:

"So the point is some green, i will select all the adjacent green" and all your grass (green in fact) will be selected.

If not you can rise or low the tolerance to select more or less "green" pixels.


No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Woah! Hold up! One thing that you can't really do(in one step) with the Conditional Hue/Saturation plugin is handle very similarly colored sections of a picture differently. This tutorial is very helpful for people needing such a solution.

The only Problem I see here is that some of the elitists on this forum need to know when to lay off with the harshness...

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Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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In some cases, this tut is still useful (look above) and I just mentioned the possibility to do all this in one step if it's not a special case. I see no reason to delete this thread or nail Th0mas to a cross. I just thought it should be mentioned here. And now everyone calm down and think about it again. OK?

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  • 1 month later...

hmm, I'm not a pro myself but maybe duplicate the part you want feathered and then gaussian blur the bottom layer? Then maybe feather the top one... might give better effect.


"Ah, i love it when huge pineapples try to take over the world, it makes me sentimental :')"


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