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looking for a distort tool, and a green screen method

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Hi, I have 2 topics I need help with:


- I am looking for a tool to distort a local area, much like the smear tool, but without blurring


I make 3D renders and it's easyto make a render, then a second render with a character silhouette in white and the rest of the render in black. I want to isolate the character in the render, how do I use the second render as an opacity screen? Is it possible to use a greyscale image as an opacity layer?



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Thanks, but it's not what I'm looking for. I'll try to explain it better:


- I already have a smudge tool, what I'm looking for is something that would displace a point, with the surrounding area around a defined radius moved less as it's further from the picking point, much as if the canvas was elastic.


- in a 3D software, it's easy to make a render with what I want to show in white and the rest in black. I'm trying to use this greyscale image as an input to set the opacity of another image, something that works poorly or not at all with threshold based plugins.


hope this helps.

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- I am looking for a tool to distort a local area, much like the smear tool, but without blurring

Try this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/107499-trs-morpher-v1110-march-14th-2016/

I'm trying to use this greyscale image as an input to set the opacity of another image

I think you're looking for this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1854-alpha-mask-import-plugin-20/

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