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Starry image with glassy text


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This tutorial is available as a PDF. Click here to view or download it


@Nai said: "This tutorial is dedicated to @johnnysdream who was curious about how I made this image".





Moderator's Note:  As a lot of the images from @Nai had disappeared it was necessary to recreate her steps and the results may not

                                 be exactly as @Nai intended.  The editing of these steps have been made possible by @Pixey - @ReMake and @Woodsy





This tutorial is a combination of @Red ochre's Clipwarp plugin ( either one can work ) and an adaptation to a Photoshop tutorial made by Jenny Le. (comments by by @Nai)


Plugins used are:   Clipwarp - Objectedge & Noise choice by @Red ochre found in his pack here.  +   Bevel Selection  by @BoltBait

and Threshold by Ed Harvery.



There are two parts to this tutorial in order to achieve the desired results. Here is the image used in the tutorial.





First Part : 'Ice Castle' text.



1.   Upload the above image into Paint.net.  Use - Image - Crop to selection - to fix the canvas size.


2.   Create a new layer.  Type your text (Riot Squad was used here) size #84 with the color hex #808080.


3.   Align the text to center.  With the Magic Wand :MagicWandTool: set to Global, select the text and Invert the selection.  Use Bevel Selection @ #7 and alternate lightning direction checked.




4. Run Red Ochre's Object Edge plugin with this setting :




5. Copy the background layer to the clipboard (Ctrl A, Ctrl C, Ctrl D) and select the Text layer and run Clipwarp plugin (older or newer version).





6. Duplicate Text layer. Change the blending mode either to Additive or Screen.





7.  Then merge the two Text layers into one. Now we are done with the first part.



Second Part : Starry Background




1. Create a new layer between Text layer and Background layer. Fill it with the color black.






2. Add noise to this new layer. My personal choice is @Red ochre's Noise Choice plugin.






3. Go to Effects>Color>Threshold. Run that in this setting :




4.  Duplicate the layer twice so you have 3 layers of dots. 



5. On the first Layer (lower) layer, run Motion Blur at this setting :




6. Run Motion Blur on second Layer layer on this setting :





7. Run Gaussian Blur with this setting on the third layer of Layer 3 :





8. Change the blending mode of the second and third layers to Screen. Merge these 3 layers into one and rename the layer  'Sparkles'.


9.   Copy the Sparkles layer three times, to make four layers of Sparkles. Rename them so you don't get confused.  






Change the blending mode of Sparkles2, Sparkles3 and Sparkles4 to Screen. Merge those layers down to the Sparkles layer. Then change the blending mode to Color Dodge and you will see stars on your background image :





10. Duplicate Sparkles layer, and run Gaussian Blur on duplicated layer with strength 2px.


    Run Levels to adjust the brightness of the stars.






11. Copy the Background layer. Set the blending mode to Overlay.




Run Gaussian Blur slightly to your liking.      

Set Opacity level to your liking.



And now we are done !



Hopefully this tutorial can put smiles in @johnnysdream face and so to the others who are interested in making a starry background.



Can't wait to see what the others can do with this tutorial !



All The Best !

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  • 8 months later...
4 hours ago, Sakana Oji said:

Some images are missing, and when I converted it to a PDF, they're still missing.

You need EER to provide a PDF with all the images.


Instead of telling him what he needs to do. How about asking if it's possible?

Just because you convert it to a PDF doesn't bring the pictures back.

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Only if the author of this tutorial stops by to fix it.  She hasn't logged-in since 2017.


It shouldn't be too difficult to play with the Bevel, Clipwarp and Motion Blur settings yourself, as there are still quite a few pictures to give you the idea.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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8 minutes ago, Pixey said:

It shouldn't be too difficult to play with the Bevel, Clipwarp and Motion Blur settings yourself, as there are still quite a few pictures to give you the idea.

I dunno - I'm pretty sure it might be. I kind of need the exact settings that the tutorial tells me.

Big McThankies From McSpankies!

sakana sig resized.png

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The result of this tutorial will depend on the picture you use for the background.  I'm searching for the one she used, but meantime I used blue glassy image.




Using her steps 1 through 5 please follow the steps below.


1.  Find a picture with a glassy looking finish.
2.  I used the Font:  Riot Squad.
3.  I then used Gaussian blur at default on the font.
4.  Use @BoltBait's Bevel Selection at default.  Select the text with the magic wand at Global.
5.  Use @Red ochre's Object Edge.  Shading at -0.56.
6.  Change the top layer to Color Dodge or pick another one if you prefer.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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1 minute ago, Sakana Oji said:

Do the rest of the Object Edge settings have to be default?


Yes, I only changed the Shading.  Of course, it's hit and miss and maybe improved with trying different settings.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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8 minutes ago, ReMake said:


Unfortunately, I don't have one. But having this image, it is possible to restore the tutorial by trial and error.


Yes, I will work on restoring the missing steps tomorrow @ReMake.  I was actually working on that this morning when I discovered I'd lost my Selection Tools.  I still don't know how tht happened.  (Pesky little Gremlins again.)

What a difference it makes with the background - for which many thanks 👍






How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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I just checked the HTML source code for this thread and the images that are supplied for the above tutorial was hosted at imgsafe.org in 2016. 
We are viewing the Alternative Text for those images. The paths to the missing images are due to broken links to that web host's image server. Unless EER has archived this thread at that time; I can't see how he can help!

Edited by HyReZ
Correcting spelling and adding more nfo!


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Nope. I don't have it. I also checked the WayBack Machine and also came up blank.

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