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Total Newbie. How do you view finished work>

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I have spent several hours trying to get to grips with this programme and I am sure it is something simple I am missing.  I have trawled through forums and youtube and am not getting aware. I have put images into layers but can not work out how to view all the layers together and turn it into a single image.  Any help and assistance would really be appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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Hello and Welcome.  You have to "Flatten" all the layers and "Save To" (and choose which format .... i.e. jpeg, .png, etc) to see the end product.  Here is a little explanation of the layers and how they work:  http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/WorkingWithLayers.html


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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You are most welcome.  A few points about flattening. 


1.  If you save to .pdn then you save the layers, in the last order you had them, and can use them again at a later date.


2.  If you flatten and save to jpeg, png, etc.... then no layers are saved.


3.  If you save to png, you retain the transparency of the layer.


How I made Jennifer & Halle in Paint.net

My Gallery | My Deviant Art

"Rescuing one animal may not change the world, but for that animal their world is changed forever!" anon.

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