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Goonfella last won the day on May 12 2015

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About Goonfella

  • Birthday 05/16/1965

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  • Location
    The Rock
  • Interests
    Anything Paint.Net related
    Arsenal FC,
    Blender, Sketchup, TG2, Gimp,
    Space & spaceflight
    Computing generally

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  1. Just popped in and surprise surprise! All change. I`ll have to have a proper nose around before I decide either way . Only thing that bothers me so far is the lack of a proper separation line between the avatars on the left and the text .
  2. Yep , still here and still using PDN but ,like you Helen, I just don`t post so often now. Don`t create many images now anyway. I mainly use it for processing photos of the bike. Good to hear from you. Hope you are OK. Thanks lynxster. Bit cleaner now as well after that downpour. Here is another pic from the other side.
  3. Thanks very much. Got caught in a real downpour today. Big clean up job needed now.
  4. Hi all. Not been on much recently. This is what is keeping me away at the moment. Right now I prefer to be out on the bike. I do use PDN to process all of my photos though. This one was taken over St Ouens bay on one of our rare ( for this summer!) sunny mornings. Just by chance I somehow captured the right mirror in the left one!
  5. Just downloaded the latest version. Overscroll is brill and a big improvement. No more having to move/turn off the UI windows to get a better view of the image. Great stuff, thanks Rick.
  6. Thanks very much. Sorry if I am late replying, I have had a few wireless probs recently. Seriously thinking about getting new laptop.
  7. Some great stuff posted since my last visit Pixey. You just get better and better. Your portraits are stunning. I think being away from the forum for a while and coming back to see your work afresh shows how good they are. Your latest piece is lovely.
  8. Hi Barbie. Pretty darn cold everywhere at the moment! lol. Glad you like it. It was my first completely new image for a quite a while .
  9. Hi everyone. Long time no see. Been doing other things for a while now. Still occasionally dabble in PDN but not as much. Did make a new image the other day so I thought I would post it up. It is based on a photo of Antarctica because I have never been able to perfect terrain in PDN. Planets and everything else is mine though. I`ll be popping back now and again but I don`t have so much time for PDN nowadays so images won`t be posted like they used to be. Hope you like the new pic.
  10. Just updated. I like the new help files. I think they will be a great help to anyone new to PDN. Not too complicated but still useful. Nice work Boltbait. Thanks.
  11. Upgraded on Thursday. Everything went smoothly , 30mins to download and 45 to install. I like the new look. Not a fan of the new Windows Update though. I used to check before choosing which ones to install. Now the only option is Automatic. As for PDN , it looks a bit different with borderless windows but works just as well as ever. Definitely worth the price I had to pay for it - nothing!
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