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  1. How do get that text effect on your 'illuminatum' sig? I've been trying to work it out but I truly have no idea...

  2. Xbox looks like it was cut out from an official advert or something, its that good. Awesome job on recreating it.
  3. I've edited some tips in the quote above. What i've written is in bold. Additional plugins you may need are in italics. You can search for these individually or just go to the plugins section of the forum and download the packs from threads that are pinned. http://www.isimonbrown.co.uk/cutting-out-images/ If you want to customize a car this tut will be a big help in doing what you want to do. You'll have to cut each part out that you want to modify or replace. If you're relatively new to PDN, then i suggest familiarising yourself with the program by trying out some tuts in the newbie playground, here: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/20-newbie-playground/. Modifying a stock image of a car to look tuned is not easy, and will take a fair amount of effort if you plan on changing the stock car significantly, which it looks like you're planning to do. Good luck, and don't give up. Persevere and you will succeed.
  4. I think the page would be better if the translator wasn't with the actual content, and in the sidebar or something. Also, not liking the poor quality of the image in header, but i think you've done that to keep the file size down? Its great overall though. Like Crimson said, very intuitive.
  5. 126,000 x42,000 pixels, whoa. Thats 5300 MegaPixels lol. I doubt you need such a high resolution for a 30x10ft banner, unless you need it printed an exquisite detail. I think that a smaller canvas size would work, but if you up the dpi, then you could probably get away with working at smaller sizes. I'm not too sure though, i don't print much of the stuff i do on PDN.


    aguba, your text effects are amazing, really amazing. Just love 'em.
  7. you have some good work here and i can see you're experimenting, which is fab. The fiery, twisty, snail type piece is my favourite. Looks great! I've gotta say this though, judging by the quality of the work you've posted in this gallery, it doesn't seem to me as if you made the following piece entirely in PDN, especially the water. http://i1028.photobucket.com/albums/y348/PsychoHarmonic/th_boom.png It looks to me as if you used a stock and photo manipulated it. You may think different, but many others and I think that it is ok to use stocks in your work. What is seen as 'wrong', is claiming that you created the stock from scratch. Thats my view anyway. I'm just putting this out there, and I may be wrong, in fact, i hope i am, because the effect that was supposedly acheived is incredibly realistic.
  8. I don't think so. I took your image, and then one that flip posted (resized to 100x89) of course. Ran auto level on both. The same horizontal stripes occur in both. There is really only one plausible explanation for this, and most of us know what that it. see below for proof.
  9. If it was 100% in PDN from scratch, its astounding work. You really should try and recreate the effect, or something similar and post a tut. If thats not possible, then please post the .pdn file somewhere. I'd love to take a look! Btw, my only critique is that the colours are too monotone. Some variation in hue would help. __________________ olav.k.m, that texture is awesome. Fabulous piece!
  10. Haha, thanks. Everyone who entered produced some fantastic work, and i agree with barbieq25, the work does show the significance of the community-like feel of the forum. People are improving in their artwork constantly. Its great!
  11. You can post your masterpiece in the Pictorium for everyone to see though. We can all gaze in awe at it, perhaps?
  12. I've made the the starfield, but thats about it. I hope to enter this, but i'll probably enter the next one if i can't meet the deadline. Extending the deadline isn't really necessary if an additional 2+ entries are given in.
  13. Clever tut and a great result. I'm gonna experiement with this to try and mimic PS' chisel hard layer style effect. Thanks.
  14. This tutorial may help: http://www.isimonbrown.co.uk/cutting-out-images/ combine it with alpha masking and you should get yourself a clean cut out, except the hair, which is always a problem.
  15. try the above plugin. you'll need to make white dots on a black background for it to work though.
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