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dpy last won the day on March 1 2012

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  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. Wow, dpy! I'm impressed. You really have some paint.net skillz:

  2. Thank you xod Yes, I know. In Japanese, there are no problem. In the case of Latin ,there are some problems. Justify or change of pitch ignores the letter spacing of each font. It is only to equalize. As far as I know, C # does not have a command of kerning or letter spacing. Therefore, this can not be arranged like the MS-WORD. ********************************************************************************* Thank you DrewDale , Lloyd
  3. I have a question about next ver of CodeLab. The plug-ins that are built by next ver of codeLab at pdn v4, Can I use it at pdn v3.5? Now ,The plug-ins that are built by codeLab in v4, it does not appear in Paint.net3.5. I needed to rebuild by CodeLab in Paint.net3.5 In order to use plugin at 3.5.
  4. Since there is a problem, Rotate / Zoom + was fixed
  5. Surely, the error is displayed in the Rotate / Zoom + v1.0. (Configuration issues bicubic) I fix it, and rebuilt v1.1 under the following systems. win8.1 (64bit). NET Framework 4.5.1 Paint.net beta 4.0 .5226 codeLab1.8 It works correctly in my PC. Hummmm ..... Strange. However,it is a different matter , in 3.5.11, I noticed that the plug-in does not appear. There may be something to do with the error of v4 that EER is shown. I was rebuilt same Plugin under the following systems in another PC win7SP1 (32bit). NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Paint.net3.5.11 codeLab1.8 This works on all my PC win8.1 (64bit). NET Framework 4.5.1 Paint.net beta 4.0 .5226 and 3.5.11 win7SP1 (32bit). NET Framework 4.5.1 Paint.net beta 4.0 .5226 and 3.5.11 win7SP1 (32bit). NET Framework 3.5.SP1 Paint.net 3.5.11 winxpSP3 (32bit). NET Framework 3.5.SP1 Paint.net 3.5.11 Zip is dll and cs file. Please test the v1.11 when you have time.
  6. I appreciate your work always. I will report to you. My plug-in "rotate / zoom +" was fixed. (April 27, 2014) It works on PDNv4Beta(build 5226)
  7. setpack update text+ has been redesigned Rotate/Zoom+ works on PDNv4 enjoy!
  8. Hello It is not a bug, but I ask improve. Layers>Rotate/zoom NumericUpDown.Increment of Pan and Zoom is ”1” at the ver4 Please set "0.01" like the ver3.5
  9. I tried a few hours the beta. It is very good. Thank you. By the way, I noticed the two bug(?) Case 1: When I am using multiple layers , I select top layer or other except the background layer. "Image" > "rotate" ; move to the background layer selection. this is maybe bug. Case2: When I used ”Eraser" the value of RGB was lost. Bug ? Specification? In 3.5,When the value of ” A”  set to 255 from 0 (using curve+) , Original Image appear.
  10. To AncestryInsider Thank you Yes , I was distributed the channel mixer in my site at past.(only Japan) But , it was the practice of plugin , when I started making the plug-in. It is over. There is no new version, and it does not even support. As EER written, my official plugins are only here.
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