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About The_Lionhearted

  • Birthday 05/12/1986

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  1. is just kickin' it.

  2. Samsung did a video to show how awesome their SSDs are...they hooked up 24 of them and loaded all of Office in half a second. http://i.gizmodo.com/5166798/24-solid-s ... -5-seconds So what does this have to do with Paint.NET...? One thing they do is open all of the programs in the start menu at once...guess who makes a guest appearance?
  3. I thought about it actually...I'm just don't really like the idea of me getting fired...
  4. Haven't had much time to play with stuff recently, but just wanted to share a quick edit I did during lunch one day at work... The original is the photo on my company's intranet. It's currently my IM/facebook pic.
  5. Yep, the avy inspired the sig if I remember correctly. Yeah, I was there. I'm old... :oops:
  6. *poof* That was the sound of my mind blowing.
  7. Tried that...didn't quite seem to get it. :? Perhaps my settings were wrong. I'll attempt again.
  8. Thanks guys. Don't tell anyone, but it was prompted by Expiration's Audio Jungle. Though I haven't quite figured out how the gradients he got were so smooth...
  9. Got tired of my old wallpaper and threw together a new one in 5 minutes. Not nearly the quality I'd like, but for what it's worth...
  10. I use this. viewtopic.php?p=32650#p32650 The settings have changed, but that's the general idea.
  11. Very cool Oma...very cool. 8)
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