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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Should just need a reboot, not a forced uninstall. "Another installation is already in progress" can just mean something as simple as Windows Update doing some stuff in the background.
  2. The MSI is generally only used when doing a network-wide deployment, like in a school or business ("enterprise") or something like that. It's not really a good option for individual installs.
  3. This is also an error that we've seen happen when someone uses one of those "slim down your Windows install! get rid of all the bLoAAAAtttt!" utilities. If you uninstall WIA, you can't use WIA to print.
  4. You can just hold Ctrl when you want to sample the image instead of the layer (it says this in the status bar at the bottom, btw)
  5. Yeah this doesn't really make sense... PDN never hides the image
  6. The diagnostics info that @Tactilis requested will tell us where this file is, and that usually gives more information about what it is. But, this is definitely not a Paint.NET bug -- HookTool64.dll is definitely the culprit.
  7. (The term you're looking for is "canvas") This isn't currently possible but is something I'm considering for the upcoming 5.1 release. Maybe not the color but at least the brightness.
  8. There are also these effects: https://paintdotnet.github.io/apidocs/api/PaintDotNet.Direct2D1.Effects.html The effects you can chain together are Direct2D effects. You can write a Paint.NET effect (yes the term "effect" is overloaded) that chains them together, but you can't combine Paint.NET effects like that. But that shouldn't matter because all of the bulit-in Paint.NET effects are essentially UI wrappers for the Direct2D effects. The effects whose names begin with "Pdn" are the Direct2D effects that power the built-in Paint.NET effects that you see in the app menus.
  9. You can use Environment.GetSourceBitmapBgra32(), which will give you an IEffectInputBitmap<ColorBgra32>. Then call Lock() to get the IBitmapLock<ColorBgra32>(). Then use AsRegionPtr() to get it as a RegionPtr<ColorBgra32> which you can just index into, e.g. region[x, y]. Then just compare region[x, y].A == 255 to determine if it's opaque. Note that this works fine for querying the alpha channel, as the alpha channel is invariant with respect to color space (sRGB vs. linear scRGB vs. whatever other color profile they might have on the image!). If you want to query the RGB values, they won't line up with the color space you're using in the GPU effect, and it'll take some extra work to determine the right thing to do. So that's a topic for another time.
  10. We do not provide any support unless you're using the latest version of Paint.NET.
  11. Yeah it's been like this for awhile. I've been getting a steady trickle of people reporting that Ctrl+Shift+X is "broken". It's always a system with an AMD GPU
  12. FWIW, the classic effect system is getting deprecated, and soon -- I strongly encourage you to switch to BitmapEffect or GpuEffect (or probably [PropertyBased]GpuDrawingEffect in this case). It's worth learning this now before you end up with effect code that you can no longer maintain (compile) when newer versions of Paint.NET are released. This deprecation is starting with v5.1, where the classic effect system will be marked with [Obsolete("...", false)] (compiler warning to not use it), and then in the next release (e.g. v5.2 or v6.0) it'll be [Obsolete("...", true)] (compiler error preventing you from using it). I'm happy to help with the conversion btw, just let me know what questions you've got!
  13. Works fine here. This plugin has been around for 16 years, so if your antivirus is just now detecting it as a virus then it's a false positive.
  14. Yeah, hi? Don't make pointless posts like this. Next time you'll be banned.
  15. Doesn't seem like it 👇
  16. So you want ... clipart? Just save selected "clips" into a specific folder, and then pin that folder to the Quick Access section of Explorer. Then use Layers -> Import From File, and/or drag-and-drop files from that folder into PDN when you want them. In any case, sorry but no -- I won't be adding this.
  17. Stop being entitled and annoying. You are one reply away from being permanently banned.
  18. It does remember the last resampling mode. The other settings are not remembered. Highly recommend getting acquainted with the keyboard shortcuts! Alt+B will jump you to resize by %, for instance. So resizing by 50% is always the sequence: Ctrl + R (Image -> Resize) Alt+B 50 Enter You can also automate this with something like AutoHotKey
  19. Paint.NET isn't a UI designer, so I think you've already got the right way of doing it from that video (lots of screenshot copy paste, etc.). I'm not aware of any plugin that would simplify this sort of task.
  20. Then why didn't you include that context? There was no way to know that you were "replying" to something else on the forum if you created a new post and didn't make any reference to the thing you were "replying" to. Then you are misunderstanding that comment. Nobody said digital signatures don't matter. @toe_head2001 said "you modified the file, which invalidates the signature, so what you're asking for isn't even possible and you shouldn't pursue a solution to it." That's just a dry statement of facts, not any sort of judgement. As far as we know that isn't even remotely the same situation you're in (modifying the MSI for whatever reason). Next time you post please include context so we can hopefully understand what you're asking.
  21. What does WinZip have to do with anything? Windows can work with zip files natively 🙄 Then why don't you go write a plugin for what you want?
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