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Everything posted by IRON67

  1. You shouldn't use such sources because of dangerous content like Malware, Adware and so on, not to mention, that the actual versions always HERE. What you maybe find helpful: Spirals plugin or Droste plugin
  2. Just use the same conditions for your lower text but DEACTIVATE the option "Clockwise".
  3. Why don't you select with Magic Wand Tool and Flood Mode "Global" the transparency, invert the selection (CTRL+I) and then click "Crop to Selection" ?
  4. You mean the Text line? Uhmm ... I think, because Bicubic is used.
  5. It depends on the specific image and the "background". If your person and keyboard is surrounded with a mostly monochrome background, you can use the Magic Wand Tool and selection mode "Add (Union)". Play a little with the tolerance and don't forget, that you always can undo the last action. Otherwise use the Lasso Tool. Alternative you can make a new, transparent layer and draw lines around your figure, fill the surrounding space with same color like the lines, select this by Magic Wand Tool (flood mode "Global"), go back to the first layer with your original image and hit DEL. Later you can finetune sharp edges wit AA's Assistant plugin.
  6. What line do you mean? Putting an arrow or something on the image would help.
  7. Just click on the link in welshblue's answer. There is a download link.
  8. Converting from ZERO color information to FULL color information in an image file will be possible not before the first warp flight in 2063. You have to colorize manually.
  9. I am now over 50 years old, dude and I see, wether someone has meant, what he said or not. All the *sigh*, lol, lmao and xd's can't fool me.
  10. You are clearly not competent enough to make such rating. Play with your advanced software and learn to make a research if you are unable to handle your advanced software.
  11. Start your Task Manager and kill the process PaintDotNet.exe
  12. Short answer: NO. No software can really do this. This isn't "Navy CIS" from television. This is reality Exception: If they're all very big in size (lets say 3200 x 2400 pixels) and you resize the resulting image to 400 x 300 px. Depending on the blur/unsharpening/noise or compression artefacts you may try to use one of the Sharpening Plugins or Noise reduction plugins. If I understand right, you want reducing the quality of the sharper images? That shouldn't be a problem. Maybe you show us some examples.
  13. Paint.net IS advanced software. I don't need any commercial stuff, overloaded with functions and features that I never will need.
  14. Okay. I can only speak for myself, but I have never heard about this software before and I use multiple image editors and other software since about 20 years. The time when I was installing new software every week is over since more than 10 years.
  15. If you don't find enough informations about a IBM-compatible computer would you ask in an MAC-forum?
  16. That's another image editor. Maybe there is a online documentation or help forum ...
  17. My method: Eraser to manually clearing the edges around the object, than magic wand tool, tolerance 60% to select all the stuff around for deleting, then AA's Assistant and Tweak Transparency 2 for finetuning. Result:
  18. I'm irritated. I haven't Colored, TV Noise and Grid. The UI images here are different too.
  19. You should be a little bit more careful with your jokes. I'm a man and had never problems finding things where ever I had to search and I know personally a bunch of women, that can't find a simple way or understand simple instructions ... It's not a question of gender but of thinking and knowing. Instructions often sounds complicated because the author has many things in mind and takes for granted, but the reader doesn't know.
  20. Not really, what you want, but the next best would be Mosaic Effect or Tesserae.
  21. Bezncurve Red Ochre Render open and closed curves with 6 control points.
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