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Everything posted by Nai

  1. Hi Seerose ! Thanks ! You're welcome ! Longing to be active in this forum actually.
  2. Thanks Pixey ! Congratulations for become The Queen Of Paint.NET. I never thought that Paint.NET 3.5.11 on Linux+Wine can produce the same image as Paint.NET 4.X.XX in Windows. Somehow, I have to adjust my own working flows.
  3. You're welcome ! BTW You mean an alternative to the existing tutorial ? Let me take my time...
  4. Hi Woodsy ! First of all, congratulations for the rookie award winning. I have the same problem when I switched from Paint.NET 4.xx Windows to Paint.NET 3.5.11 in Linux. Some of the steps inside my own tutorial were no longer useful, so I have to be the rule-breaker. Can you send private message so that I can tackle and solve the issue ?
  5. Latest : The First Serious Attempt With Paint.NET 3.5.11 On Linux Lite : " Love Is Like The Crystal Orb " ( Click the link for original view ) Original Picture
  6. Maximilian, Cc4FuzzyHuggles, barbieq25 & Red Ochre, thank you for the visits and everything ! The changes from Windows to Linux having effects on my working flow, and I'm still working on the adaptations. Hopefully I can keep the same quality in my next artworks.
  7. Maximilian, Cc4FuzzyHuggles, barbieq25 & Red Ochre, thank you for the visits and everything ! The changes from Windows to Linux having effects on my working flow, and I'm still working on the adaptations. Hopefully I can keep the same quality in my next artworks.
  8. Wow, a lot of things happened here ! Lnyxter4 & Rickhum, your works made my jaw dropped and speechless. Thanks for trying the tutorial !
  9. Sai Paint Tool the illustration/painting software, you mean ?
  10. Thanks, Rick ! Paint.NET is the must in my FLOSS workflow... Even though Windows is no longer my primary OS. Hopefully, there're a way to run Paint.NET 4.X in Linux in the future...
  11. I got serious issues and here are the bug file... backtrace.txt
  12. Me too... It works perfectly on my Paint.NET 4.0.9 at Windows partition. My lappy GPU is ATI Radeon HD4200, so that's a factor. How about yours ? I believe Nvidia users also get benefits from Google Nik Plugins. BTW, I have problems to run PSFilterShim.exe while using PSFilter plugins on Paint.NET 3.5.11 at my Linux partition. I can't understand why. Each time I tried to run the plugin, I bumped to the same message from Wine. Any ideas and how to solve it ?
  13. Congratulations to all winners ! Amazing artwork, Si Borg ! Keep it up ! Can you teach us how to do it ?
  14. For those who had installed Paint.NET via PlayOnLinux only... Is This 'Window 98-like' display appears too dull and not a happy ambient for you ? Simply installing Luna Theme, and you'll get an ambient that closer to the native surrounding in Windows. Open PlayOnLinux, choose Configure ( the one with gear icon )> Select the virtual drive where you installed Paint.NET. Choose Install Component and then choose Luna Theme. All the best !
  15. So far... Perfect ! My .ora line file that I made with Paint.NET is successfully open in both Krita and MyPaint : The screenshot in Paint.NET : https://i.imgsafe.org/19c78de.png The screenshot in Krita : https://i.imgsafe.org/2c1637b.png The screenshot in MyPaint : https://i.imgsafe.org/2b6dec7.png All of it are too big for the displaying in the forum.
  16. Congratulations Pixey and MJW ! Nice entry, everyone !
  17. Congratulations to MJW and all participants ! And thank you to DrewDale for hosting the competition.
  18. Okay, let me say something. I like both works, somehow I have to be fair. In this case, I'm treating signatures like shops' signboards. It needs clarity to stand out and showing the corporate identity of the shop. At the same time, I'm using seven elements of arts ( Lines, Space, Tone, Colours, Textures, Shapes & Forms ) and principles of designing ( Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Rhythm, Unity ) 'penalty shoot-out' to decide the winner. Line (s )- Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Space- Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Tone - Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Colours- Limon 1 DrewDale 1 Shapes- Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Form- Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Textures- Limon 1 DrewDale 0 Balance- Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Contrast-Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Emphasis-Limon 0 DrewDale 1 Movement-Limon 1 DrewDale 0 Pattern-Limon 0 DrewDale 0 Rhythm-Limon 0 DrewDale 0 Unity- Limon 0 DrewDale 1 So, in Elements Of Arts Limon 2 DrewDale 6, and Principles Of Designing Limon 1 DrewDale 4. Speaking about the clarity of the signature, it goes to DrewDale. So far I give DrewDale a fair winning this time. Latest results : Limon 1 - DrewDale 1
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